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  • evil_elf, Fairly good. I'm a bit worried about something. If it passes, it's a nightmare come alive. Don't worry about it, though. I'll be fine.
    How about you?
    evil_elf, at my school, you get along with everybody. everyone's at the same rank. or maybe it's just poor judgement...
    Lol. I like Raspberry Ice Cream.

    What's your skype? I can send you a request if you want.
    I never tell people what happens in the average day of Mr. Tea. They interrupt me before I can finish. That's how uninteresting my life is.
    I wore a funny hat and clown nose. One of my friends there told me to do uncomfortabe poses, but they turned out to be funny. She asked me if I could do a splits. "Do I look like I could do the splits?" Lol if she has them still I could get them from her.

    Good. Lol I punch myself really hard when I lose a lot. When I finally beat the level I started dancing xD
    So do I. Lol they were funny though.

    Because that means you won't kill yourself in a year from loss of blood or commiting suicide! Being emo is my job when I get a game over in Super Mario Sunshine

    My parents are just plain dumb. They like, pick on me for getting 99.9% in a class instead of 100%+, and say that I could do better. When they were in school, both of them struggled to get a C, so they're total hypocrites.
    evil_elf, Haha oh, so it's my job to send you messages all the time? xP But do whatever you want, it's not like you need to leave me comments lol. Do I know that I'm not unloved? Do I REALLY? o_O

    Oh and to end this on a Pokemon note. If everything goes right I should be going to a prerelease on Sunday. ^.^
    People in real life can be stupid. Especially parents. I know from total personal experience.
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