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  1. MooseX-ing

    (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

    Score! I'm so glad it's a fire pig, that's another Fire Starter belonging to the Chinese Zodiac. I will definitely be using him ^_^. The reaction I gave wasn't crazy though, so many of you were close to how they actually look.
  2. MooseX-ing

    (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

    I gave my Dog's Duck chew toy a long stare-down. and I gave the left silhouette a good look too. I hope the left one is a grass/duck. it would make sense that they make the grass type the birdlike one this generation .
  3. MooseX-ing

    (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

    that's what it's species name calls it, but everyone here is going by what animal it is based off of.
  4. MooseX-ing

    (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

    Porcupine? I give up~ ARBORT MISSION!~
  5. MooseX-ing

    (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

    I take that back an Echidna is not a rodent but bares a resemblance to Porcupines (which are rodents) some people also say Cyndaquil bares a resemblance to a shrew( also a rodent)
  6. MooseX-ing

    (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

    I've said it before Yes, I know Cyndaquil is an Echidna but an Echidna is a rodent. Cyndaquil is known as the fire rodent pokemon. Rat's are also rodents.
  7. MooseX-ing

    (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

    Thank you! Somebody else with the Chinese zodiac theory :D, and wanting a platypus.
  8. MooseX-ing

    (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

    Bidoof was the Beaver Gopher/mole was cover by Diglett and Dugtrio since the very beginning
  9. MooseX-ing

    (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

    It doesn't have to explain Typhlosion, just it's basic form, Cyndaquil. Cyndaquil is based of the sechidna, am echidna is a rodent, Cyndaquil known as the fire rodent, the rat is a rodent. soooooo. 1st gen. Charmander-Dragon 2nd gen. Cyndaquil- Rat 3rd gen. Torchic- Rooster 4th...
  10. MooseX-ing

    (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Reveals... [5/8]

    I'm leaning on the Left image being grass due to the tail. The center image being a fire/pig because of zodiac tradition. The image to the right, GAMEFREAK you got me there, I like all of your theories of it being a platypus but I just don't know. oh and btw. *FIRST POST EVER*