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  1. Luhy

    Wi-Fi Trades Porygon-X's Super Trade Thread! [Wi-Fi is back! Yeah!]

    RE: Porygon-X's Super Trade Thread! Now offering RNGed shiny services! Hey there. I have started working on Chanseys. So far I have one that's HP31 Atk29 Def29 SpA31 SpD29 Spe31 I don't know what Action Replay or RNG are, so to check IVs I am just using the Serebii calculator. I just...
  2. Luhy

    Wi-Fi Trades Porygon-X's Super Trade Thread! [Wi-Fi is back! Yeah!]

    RE: Porygon-X's Super Trade Thread! Now offering RNGed shiny services! Hey there. Do you happen to have Petaya Berry, Custap Berry or Rowap Berry? If so, I am trying to breed Chanseys right now and will try to get a perfect IV'd one for you. I also have shinies of Rampardos (Adamant and EV...
  3. Luhy

    H: Groudon EX, Zekrom EX, FA Kyurem, stuff

    RE: H: AMU LV.X's, DCE, trainers W: Donphan, SPs, Dittos, to CYL Hey there~ I have 4-2-4 set of PT Blastoise and 3-3 Delcatty PT and Ditto LA Would you trade Uxie lv X or Alph Lithograph for those?
  4. Luhy

    ~~ DJ Hype Vibes

    RE: DJ Hype Vibes Easy to trade with. +1
  5. Luhy

    Brian Ha's Thread! W: Lots of Staples

    RE: Brian Ha's Trading Thread! W: DCE and Expert Belts Hey there. Care to trade your Crobat G for an Expert Belt? If so, PMing me is easiest
  6. Luhy

    Please close.

    RE: Mikey's Thread, Updated with Lux X , x3 flygon X !! :) My Donphan Prime for Flygon Lv X?
  7. Luhy

    sceptleblade411's rockin' trade thread! H: spiritomb and LUXRAY GL!

    RE: sceptleblade411's rockin' trade thread! H: Ho-oh L N: CARDS FOR STATES Hey. Would you do my Warp Energy and 3 JPN VS series 1st edition Super Scoop Ups for a Baltoy and Claydol?
  8. Luhy

    Please close.

    RE: Mikey's Thread, Updated with Lux X , x3 flygon X !! :) Hey~ I am in need to a Baltoy and Claydol. From you list I just have Skyridge Fisherman Reverse Holo.
  9. Luhy

    ☢~¤~ Have: Charizard Star*, JPN: L2, L1 SS, DPt4 + More ~¤~☢

    RE: ☢~¤~ H: Meganium Prime, Typhlosion Prime + More ~¤~☢ Mmmm, so you only want JP cards? I could do a Bday Pikachu and an Ancient Mew (I dont know if there are different english and JP versions... but it all looks like hieroglyphics to me) for a Typhlosion If you're interested, PM me
  10. Luhy

    W: Call Energies + Azelf H: Dialga G Lv X, Bday pikachus and more

    Sent you a PM, konter. Ill reply on your list ArceusTrainer.
  11. Luhy

    W: Call Energies + Azelf H: Dialga G Lv X, Bday pikachus and more

    Cacnea is gone. I could trade Armaldo for a promo Uxie maybe~
  12. Luhy

    H: Everything You Need! W: Come find Out! OVERSTOCKED WITH CALL ENERGY! COME TRADE!

    RE: NEED CARDS FOR STATES? COME HERE! I HAVE WHAT YOU NEED! LUX! TOMB! CANDY! 126 X'S! Hey there... I'm in need of SP deck cards (4 of each Team Galactic's Invention and 4 Cyrus) If you see anything appealing on my list let me know please. Thanks~
  13. Luhy

    ☢~¤~ Have: Charizard Star*, JPN: L2, L1 SS, DPt4 + More ~¤~☢

    RE: ☢~¤~ H: Meganium Prime, Typhlosion Prime + More ~¤~☢ Were you interested in my _____'s Pikachu for a Typhlosion Prime?
  14. Luhy

    Stumpy's Trades! REALLY need Blaze FB

    RE: Stumpy's Trades! W: TOP OF LUGIA!! H: Just Opened BoX Check it out!! Hey there... I am interested in your two HG/SS Ninetales if you can find anything on my list~
  15. Luhy

    W: Call Energies + Azelf H: Dialga G Lv X, Bday pikachus and more

    @ArceusTrainer: I think 1 Bday Pika for a Typhlosion is fair. 12 dollars on Amazon for pika vs. 5 or 6 for Ty depending on promo or not, right? @Juliacoolo: Sorry. Not interested. @DJHypeVibes: I can do that. I'll PM you.
  16. Luhy

    My Huge Trade Page H: Azelf and Uxie LA!

    Would you do Dark Raichu (team rocket) and the Southern Islands Mew SI Pidgeot SI Ivysaur SI Butterfree SI Lapras SI Wartortle SI for 1 Blaziken FB?
  17. Luhy

    please lock! when UD is out i'll have more thread(s)

    RE: DEAL OF THE WEEK-MY ? for YOUR 2 Blaziken FB "CML for RH Warp Point from CG if you have any 1 Birthday Pikachu(need this for brother's b-day present) 1 Best Electabuzz(not jumbo, need this for brother's b-day present) 1 Best Rocket's Sneasel 1 Best Hitmonchan" I have RH Warp...
  18. Luhy

    W: Call Energies + Azelf H: Dialga G Lv X, Bday pikachus and more

    I think we posted at the same time, lol. I didn't mean to skip you~