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  1. greenbeetless

    Finished Gender Race: Boys 1 Girls 0 (You-person-person-you)

    RE: Gender Race 497 I don't think this games moving along.
  2. greenbeetless

    New tins?

    I'm still getting one just for the Heatran LV.X. It's going to make running the new fighting Infernape so much more easier as soon as you Level up the Infernape.
  3. greenbeetless

    New tins?

    Whats with the random packs we can't use? What are the other 3 packs?
  4. greenbeetless

    New tins?

    When does the Regigigas LV.X and Heatran LV.X tins come out? Also, are they going to pack a power keeper's pack or something we can't used in modified again?
  5. greenbeetless

    LA booster box cards

    Out of the box's i seen open i seen the tin pokemon coming out of the box's and the occasional Azelf Lv.X.
  6. greenbeetless

    Ruling Ledgends Awaken Armaldo

    He may be Powerful, but the fact he comes from a fossil and requires 3 energy's to attack slow him down. If you use the registark combo he's going to be able to attack by T2, but by that time other decks can go off also. Just wish he didn't come from a fossil.
  7. greenbeetless

    Ruling Ledgends Awaken Armaldo

    1. It reduces all damage after weakness that's under 60 into 0 damage, but he's still effected by special conditions. 2. If you hit with Crush claw any attack after that does 40 more damage. Say Armaldo gets knocked out, but did crush claw. The next pokemon gets a 40 damage boost, but if they...
  8. greenbeetless

    need help...

    Yeah, ebay's the cheapest but you can also trade. Premier Ball (Goes for about $1.) Heatran Lv. X (Just get the tin thats coming out.) Heatran (any) [ Structure deck or Pop 8 packs, but the best ones are the fire one's you have to trade for it or buy them online.] Felicity's Drawing ( Goes for...
  9. greenbeetless

    Ruling The Fossils

    Exactly, but you can set them up as a basic during set up, actually it's mandatory if it's the only "basic" in your hand.
  10. greenbeetless

    Ruling The Fossils

    Only on the field so you can't search for them with trainers like speed ball.
  11. greenbeetless


    Your deck strategy's intermingle actually. Empoleon can spread, he's fast, hit's hard (with big bench), and is very consistent. Kingdra also is fast, hit's moderately hard, spreads, and man he's consistent. I believe the line is set as either set up or none set up decks. Kingdra can either go...
  12. greenbeetless

    AMU help

    Yeah i forgot about Machamp, but you just tech in unknown G and your good to go. Incidentally if you tech in G I believe you still take the 40 damage from his take down. Which is a real major bummer, but if you tech in Lake boundary you can OHKO Machamp with one plus power and a Zen Blade.
  13. greenbeetless

    AMU help

    1-1 mewtwo or Cressilia doesn't help the deck against it's greatest weakness, Mewtwo Lv. X.
  14. greenbeetless

    AMU help

    Mightyena is just a horrible card, because honestly who doesn't run warp points. Also, Mightyena doesn't do anything beside counter one card. On another note here is some suggestions 2-1-2 Gengar, a 2-1-2 Gardy line, or the 2-2-2 Leafeon line that people seem to be liking now in days.
  15. greenbeetless

    Ruling LvX

    It says on the bottom of the card, put on active pokemon, but you can Level them up using trainers like that new one from GC i think its called Level Max.
  16. greenbeetless

    so i found this out at prereleases...

    At my Pre-release we opened 3 boxes and found a total of 3 Charmanders 2 Charmeleons and 1 Charizard. One Charmeleon was pulled out of one box and then a Charmeleon and a Charmander was pulled out of the second box. The Third box had the other remaining 2 Charmanders and Charizard. Also, every...
  17. greenbeetless

    Pokemon and Middle School. Good Combination?

    It's eventually going to all tide over and everyone's going to laugh about it later in the future, but for the mean time just keep your chin up and fists down because nothing good comes out of violence other then more violence. Eventually everything tides over, but you just have to be patient...
  18. greenbeetless

    Charizard SF price

    I'm sure its the SF one, because it says 103/100.
  19. greenbeetless

    Charizard SF price

    As of now i seen a buy it now for 11.95 from a store i buy from, but the average is around 25 at the moment.
  20. greenbeetless

    What is it with Dusknoir?

    It just has lots of potential to be something great. Until it happens people are going to keep trying, also Dusknoirs just a cool pokemon.