Search results

  1. DarthAxle


    RE: Now with... x2 SR Charmander, x3 Regigigas Lv X, x3 Machamp Lv X, Exs, 2 *s, Tin Promos and more! I want to CYL Hey, could you CML for your Machamp Lv.X. I have a lot of SF right now, so just LMK if you need anything.
  2. DarthAxle

    Please close!

    RE: T-Tar Master's Trade Thread! H: Raichu LV X, Dusknoir LV X, Machamp LV X and more! W: LOTS! Hey, I am in DIRE need of your Machamp Lv.X and Raichu Lv.X. Mostly the Machamp though. I have loads of your wants, I'll post some: Infernape SF Magnezone SF (both) Marley's Request Luxury Ball...
  3. DarthAxle

    Mods-please destroy this thread.

    RE: Updated 11-14! Have Dusknoir Lv X, Charmander-secret rare/ Need Leafeon Lv X Hey, I REALLY need your Raichu X. I have this from your wants: Heatran X (PACK) x2 Regigigas X (PACK) Empoleon (As many as you want) haha Blaziken GE x2 Roserade SF xX (1 is RH) Vespiquen SF Regigigas SF...
  4. DarthAxle

    Some old cards! Looking for a better cardpool

    RE: Are those Cards still something worth? Hey, you have a few cards I'm very interested in! (And yes, these are still worth some.) Salamence (ex Dragon) (Most wanted) Charizard (ex Dragon) Blaziken (ex Ruby Saphire) Typhlosion ex (? pack, doesn't really matter) I live in the USA, but...
  5. DarthAxle


    RE: Mr. Sally Another good trade! Thanks :D +1 REF!!!
  6. DarthAxle

    ~~ ESP

    RE: ESP Another Great Trade!!! Or AGT!!! Very trustworthy, +1 REF (Reference .. 40 positive, 0 neutral, 0 negative – omahanime)
  7. DarthAxle


    Got his cards! 'Tis a shame he's band. Wonder why :/ Anyway, +1 REF!
  8. DarthAxle

    esp. [W] Basic Dark

    RE: ESP wants Stormfront. I have Charmeleon IFDS, LA Prerelease Sleeves, and POP 8 (Lucario and Rare Candy!) Uhm, how about just for the sleeves. Around 12~15$? LMK, not to hot with prices XD
  9. DarthAxle

    esp. [W] Basic Dark

    RE: ESP wants Stormfront. I have Charmeleon IFDS and LA Prerelease Sleeves Hey I'm interested in your Yanmega LA x1. And also your Regigigas sleeves. Um, I don't have anything off your wants, but would you mind CML? Also, I would probably buy the Regigigas sleeves, depending on the price. LMK...
  10. DarthAxle

    ~~ Mudkip711

    RE: Mudkip711 Yay! Got his card(s), though, it took a LONGO time. Just the like this guy here ^. Something probably happened though because I had traded with him before and it was fast. Okay anyway. +1 REF!!!
  11. DarthAxle

    **TL32's Trading Thread** Have 2 Uxie Lv.X and more! Updated wants list~ CHECK IT OUT!

    RE: **Toon Link's Trading Thread** [H] KINGDRAS [W] LEAFEON LV.X'S ~CHECK IT OUT~ That's okay :D Thanks for the time
  12. DarthAxle

    (1) Galactic's Conquest Scans and Translations [10/8]

    Wow, these cards are uber... NO! To power lock-downs. We already knew about the Dialga, but, Ampharos too! Giratina X seems to be very annoying. Multiple techs being sent to the lost zone. :/ Though, it's reasonable because of the attack cost. Oh, and Slaking+Dialga X = ultimate pwnage...
  13. DarthAxle

    Starforce Trade Thread. Have: Landmin Lv.X/Hippowdon Lv.X W: Suicune SW and CelebiMT

    RE: Starforce Trade Station. Ok, PM me the details.
  14. DarthAxle

    H: Raquaza C lvl X, Garchomp C lvl X, Staraptor FB lvl X!! W: UXIE LA, and much more! Have Lots of l

    RE: LOTS of GREAT stuff, lvl Xs, TONS of LA rares, check it out! (Updated: 10/7) No stars. I didn't like the packs at that time. So I never got'em... hehe And no Cresselia. Anything else?
  15. DarthAxle

    **TL32's Trading Thread** Have 2 Uxie Lv.X and more! Updated wants list~ CHECK IT OUT!

    RE: **Toon Link's Trading Thread** [H] KINGDRAS [W] LEAFEON LV.X'S ~CHECK IT OUT~ I liked your Uxie and Magnezone X. Uh, does that mean you were interested in something off my list?
  16. DarthAxle

    Starforce Trade Thread. Have: Landmin Lv.X/Hippowdon Lv.X W: Suicune SW and CelebiMT

    RE: Starforce Trade Station. Hmm... Would you do Regigigas for: Dragonite LA x1 or Moltres MD Stark Mountain RH LMK
  17. DarthAxle

    H: Raquaza C lvl X, Garchomp C lvl X, Staraptor FB lvl X!! W: UXIE LA, and much more! Have Lots of l

    RE: LOTS of GREAT stuff, lvl Xs, TONS of LA rares, check it out! (Updated: 10/7) Hey again! Could you CML for any Luxray LA you may have? I only need 2 (Ha! Only 2, like that's a small amount) LMK if we can work something out.
  18. DarthAxle

    **TL32's Trading Thread** Have 2 Uxie Lv.X and more! Updated wants list~ CHECK IT OUT!

    RE: **Toon Link's Trading Thread** [H] KINGDRAS [W] LEAFEON LV.X'S ~CHECK IT OUT~ Hey, I'm VERY interested in your Luxray LA. I have a TM-TS-2 RH, but you'd have to CML for other things. (Oh, I have a bit of $$$ if you sell) LMK if we can work something out!
  19. DarthAxle

    Starforce Trade Thread. Have: Landmin Lv.X/Hippowdon Lv.X W: Suicune SW and CelebiMT

    RE: Starforce Trade Station. Hey, I don't have any of your wants (Mostly because it's items and old cards) But could you CML for these: ? Dragonite LA x1 (RH or not, though, holo preferred) Stark Mountain LA RH Moltres MD x2 LMK! :D
  20. DarthAxle

    ~~ AnthonyG

    RE: AnthonyG Super Ultra Awsome Trader, He's the MAN WHO"S GOT IT ALL!!!! xD +1 REF!!! /unless you're secretly a girl. Which would be wierd, like, Mark Antony 0_o