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  1. DarthAxle


    Great trade! Good to work with an all that stuff. +1 REF!!!
  2. DarthAxle


    Another great trade! +1 REF!!!
  3. DarthAxle


    Put another ref up here! +1 REF!!! :D
  4. DarthAxle

    **TL32's Trading Thread** Have 2 Uxie Lv.X and more! Updated wants list~ CHECK IT OUT!

    RE: **Toon Link's Trading Thread** [H] LOTS OF KINGDRAS [W] LEAFEON LV.X'S ~CHECK IT OUT~ Hey, could you CML for these cards? (Don't have any of your wants) Kingdra LA x1 Luxray LA x1 Zapdos MD x1 (REALLY low want) Snowpoint Temple LA x2 TY! :D
  5. DarthAxle

    Best deck for BRs?

    I just got back from my BR's, and the AMU decks all were 2-4. Seriously overrated there. I used froslass and went 4-2. First game to a REALLY BAD start (lone Bronzor & snorunt with 5 of the 15 energy's in my deck), anyway, donked. And the second I lost to Kingdra, NOT because it was better. I...
  6. DarthAxle

    Kaitou Cooro

    RE: Zacario Great trade! +1 ref!!!
  7. DarthAxle


    Great trade! +1 ref!!! (Yes, it was a cool trade. Trying to give more detail)
  8. DarthAxle

    ~~ ESP

    RE: ESP Another great trade! WOWZA, nice packaging ;) +1 REF!!!
  9. DarthAxle

    ~~ Catbus

    RE: Catbus W00t! Second! Great trade, his card came really fast.
  10. DarthAxle

    ~~ TofU

    RE: TearsofanUchiha ^GASP! A Neutral ref!!!! Anyway, +1 REF!!! Another great trade
  11. DarthAxle

    **CATBUS** ****Gold Star Central**** Just in: Gyarados *, JPN/1st Ed.

    RE: Catbus' Trading Thread -Home of the Kingdras!
  12. DarthAxle

    **CATBUS** ****Gold Star Central**** Just in: Gyarados *, JPN/1st Ed.

    RE: Catbus' Trading Thread What about for the Luxray? (Just throwing out a deal) MY: Garchomp MT x1 YOUR: Luxray LA x1 LMK! :D
  13. DarthAxle

    H:x2heatran stamped rr and champ x drapion x giratina x W:floatzel gl x

    RE: H:new la holos rares and reverse holos (6 boxes) so come and cml Hey, I'm back (Though, I don't think you noticed the first time) I'm interested in: x1 spiritomb LA x1 dragonite LA kingdra LA (This, well, LMK if you're interested in anything on my list. But I guess it'll most likely be...
  14. DarthAxle

    **CATBUS** ****Gold Star Central**** Just in: Gyarados *, JPN/1st Ed.

    RE: Catbus' Trading Thread Yeah, but it's in use. What about the other cards?
  15. DarthAxle

    **CATBUS** ****Gold Star Central**** Just in: Gyarados *, JPN/1st Ed.

    RE: Catbus' Trading Thread Hey, I'm interested in your: Luxray LA Snowpoint Temple (If you have any extra Kingdra LA (I can try, right?) I have: Garchomp MT x1 Lickitung Jungle (I know I have this, but I'd need to check) CML for other things you may be interested in
  16. DarthAxle


    Great trade! +1 REF!!!
  17. DarthAxle


    Great trade! Great to deal with :D (Rats, so close, yet so far away from being #1) +1 REF!!!
  18. DarthAxle


    Hmm... #7! YAY ME!!!! lolzor
  19. DarthAxle


    W001! Third trade and another + REF!!! 0_o lolz
  20. DarthAxle


    Woohoo! +1 REF!!!! Awsome person :D I'd trade again anytime.