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  1. SimplySwy

    NFL Discussion Topic - Favorite Teams and How They are Doing

    I think he meant drafting before preseason or after
  2. SimplySwy

    NFL Discussion Topic - Favorite Teams and How They are Doing

    Id be down aswell to play.
  3. SimplySwy

    NFL Discussion Topic - Favorite Teams and How They are Doing

    As much as I dont like Romo, I think I'd definately take him over my teams QB. I absolutely hate Josh Freeman. I really hope this is the last chance The Bucs will give him this year...
  4. SimplySwy

    Pokemon Most Powerful Pokemon

    Cubone, Hands down, Always. But In the games, I enjoyed getting Chansey and breeding Last Resort with some defensive skills aswell
  5. SimplySwy

    Ruling Snorlax Retreat

    Team Plasma Snorlax Ability: Block As long as this Pokemon is you Active Pokemon your opponent's Active Pokemon can't retreat. Does this only apply to retreat? Or are they still allowed to use Cards as in Switch etc...
  6. SimplySwy

    Introduce Yourself!

    David here. watched Pokemon since I was a kid on VHS and Ive played each of the Gameboy games to date. I gave up on TCG, but have just recently gotten back into it. A few of us have started and I hope it will spawn into a continued thing and not just another fade/phase for them. I have...
  7. SimplySwy

    Marowak (Help Along w/ Freeze)

    In a different game it makes sense! but I guess in Pokemon you can't bring peoples armors below 0... You can tell which games people play by the lingo and the terminology they use~ Along with the "negative damage reduction" mix up ^.^ you should have also added the "he is" should have...
  8. SimplySwy

    Marowak (Help Along w/ Freeze)

    Now I know Cubone can be a real tank with all the negative damage reduction, but he is really viable to take down the newers decks with all the EX and combos out there? I was having an easier time trying for 1hko with Maro.
  9. SimplySwy

    Marowak (Help Along w/ Freeze)

    Unless I have been playing wrong, he is only out there on the bench for his ability to reflip the coins on Marowaks or Zapados attacks should I run into some bad luck.
  10. SimplySwy

    Marowak (Help Along w/ Freeze)

    RE: Marowak ((Help along w/Freeze)) In general, Get out a Maro as quick as I can and use Victini for addition Coin Flip chances with Bonemerang. Alot of the decks around here run Darkrai Ex's. I try to 1 HitKO them with that combo. The other guys are really to build up Zapados and...
  11. SimplySwy

    Marowak (Help Along w/ Freeze)

    No matter what comes out, I will always have a place in my heart and a deck that involves Cubone. I was wondering if anyone has any advice or updates that I should consider when Freeze comes out in improving this deck? Or even something that I may have overlooked with the current cards...
  12. SimplySwy

    Vs. Taunters: Decks that are Frustrating to Play Against?

    RE: Vs. Taunters Im kind of enjoying the Garbodor and Sableye idea, I may give that one a shot.
  13. SimplySwy

    Vs. Taunters: Decks that are Frustrating to Play Against?

    Im not too sure how to put this in a semi decent lighting... Basically, since I was a kid I tried to get people I knew to play this game, now, some 10-15 years later, theres about 5-7 friends around here that are and I didn't even know about it until just this week. Downside, they are way...