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  1. Silver Lucario

    SilverLucario12's Art Gallery

    Wow! It's been forever since I've posted something on Pokebeach! Well, I'll post some of my artwork. I use Photoshop CS3. Well, it's not the best, but I would really appreciate it if you could give me suggestions!
  2. Silver Lucario

    My sprite fusions and re-colors

    I like you Ho-oh/Armaldo fusion. Its a great idea.
  3. Silver Lucario

    I pulled something cool from a booster pack!

    RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic. I once got a shining Duskull and a Raichu Lv.X in the same pack, I was awesome. I also got a Lugia Legend in a Soul Silver pack.
  4. Silver Lucario

    Two of my Pokemon splises

    These are two Pokemon splices I recently did. I am kind of new at this so I'm still practicing. This one is Mewquazatwo, I used Mewtwo and Rayquaza This one is called Glam Cat. I used Persian, Ninetails, and Dialga.
  5. Silver Lucario

    marching band/orchestra members?

    I play percussion! I'm in 7th grade but I play at a high school level. Last year I got in Interlochen and got invited back! (Happiness) Just this week I got three ones at a solo and ensemble performance! I played Hungarian Dace #5 on the marimba, a timpani piece, and two snare drum solos.
  6. Silver Lucario

    Dreams you've had

    One I had a dream about a horse show. All of the sudden this random brown fuzzy dragon showed up and freaked people out. Then I was in Washington D.C. walking around the Smithsonian. After that I remember giant purple glowing battle ships attacking New York. Yes, this was all one dream. When...
  7. Silver Lucario

    Pokemon What do you think of Lucario?

    {F}{M} Lucario the Aura Pokemon. Lucario can speek through telepathy and understand human speech. Lucario can sence Aura and focus it into an attack called Aura Sphere. Trivia No other pokemon is the same type as Lucario Lucario is the only non-dragon type who can learn Dragon Pulse...
  8. Silver Lucario

    My Fat Lizard Gets A New Space Heater

    Alfredo the fat lizard has it all!!! A nice 175 gallon tank, super mealworms (Lizard Candy), Dish of greens with frozen veggies, nice warm baths, and now a new space heater. Our furnace downstairs broke... So we got a space heater for my bed room. Now my fat bearded dragon and I have a...
  9. Silver Lucario

    Forum Rules Question Thread

    Is my signature to big? Also, if I mispelled something can I go back and change it?
  10. Silver Lucario

    When and how did you get into Pokemon tcg?

    I got into Pokemon in first grade when ex dragon came out. My first deck was a salamence deck. Sceptile ex was my first ex card from ex aqua magma, My first Lv.X was a torterra Lv.X. I opened four DP packs and got two torterra Lv.Xs. Ever scence first grade I love playing pokemon. I love playing...