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  1. TheEvilGrin

    Luxray GL LV.X from Rising Rivals (#109), 3/25/2010

    This card would not be as popular without energy gain poketurn and power spray and cyruss conspiricy
  2. TheEvilGrin

    How Did You Do At Your States?

    I came in 4th in the Washington states with blazeray going 5-1 in the normal rounds.
  3. TheEvilGrin

    LGX: 2 or 1?

    I run 2-2 luxray in my blazeray. The second luxray saved me the game that got me into top cut at states. I feel that 2-2 luxray will give you the best results.
  4. TheEvilGrin

    What decks did you face at states?

    I was just wondering what decks did you face at states?
  5. TheEvilGrin

    When did you officially start playing Pokemon?

    I started pokemon right after great encounters came out. I really started playing at a LA prerealease. I placed first and packed three LV.Xs that day.
  6. TheEvilGrin

    What they should've (or shouldn't have) made..

    I think they should make a togekiss X
  7. TheEvilGrin

    Lv X

    What cards did you get we might be able to help?
  8. TheEvilGrin

    Is it fake?

    Oh My God! I am so stupid! Thanks!
  9. TheEvilGrin

    Is it fake?

    I have 3 RR Flygons 2 are rare holo and one is not. If it is a fake card it is incredibly good job. I can not see any difference between the two. What is up? If you guys need picture tell me.
  10. TheEvilGrin

    Draw after Claydol and Uxie

    This is not drawpower but furret might work.
  11. TheEvilGrin

    The "I got ripped off" thread

    When I started pokemon I pulled the sweetest pack ever! 2 Claydols in the same pack! I was a noob and the same day I traded one for a GE tangrowth:(. I still have the Holo one though :).
  12. TheEvilGrin

    What Deck?

    Big decks in my area are a ton of sp variants all the other stuff pretty much fails. The most common deck is probably Blazeray.
  13. TheEvilGrin

    What Deck?

    What version of flygon version of flygon should I play?
  14. TheEvilGrin

    What Deck?

    Meta, I am looking to play this deck competitively.
  15. TheEvilGrin

    What Deck?

    I have multiples of almost every card DP on, what deck should I make? What is your favorite deck?
  16. TheEvilGrin

    Ruling Beedrill Flutter Wing Question

    If you have already used flutter wings during your turn and you SSU your beedrill and BTS down it down again can you flutter wings again?
  17. TheEvilGrin

    Ruling Question about Nidoqueen and poison

    What happens when your pokemon is about to get knocked out by poison but you have nidoqueen in play, which activates first?
  18. TheEvilGrin

    Best artwork of 2009!

    Best one by far!