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  1. M

    Check out these really cool shinings, misprints, and prereleases! Thank You! Please also add a comme These are some of my shinings that are pretty old , some prerealeses that I got at some places, and even a misprinted Mew!!! Please post a comment! Thank You very much for your time!{R}[hr] Please reply if you cannot go to my...
  2. M

    Ruling Tentacruel LA vs. Metal Energy

    Thats pretty cool, but is there more to be explained or is this just it?!?!{C}
  3. M

    Cool Misprinted Mew, Shinings, and Prereleased Pokemon Cards! Please Post A Comment! Thank You Very[/img]Please take a look at these. I think you might like them and please don't forget to reply. Thank You!!