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  1. Gamefreak734

    What would you do if you met....

    RE: What would you do if you met... Kill him before the events of episode I and see what becomes of Star Wars Mr Rodgers? (The guy in all the american baby shows)
  2. Gamefreak734

    Can You Raed tihs?

    Easily read it but I found it somewhat annoying.... not to metion incorrect also
  3. Gamefreak734

    What would you do if you met....

    RE: What would you do if you met... mmmmmm.....:) Katy Perry?
  4. Gamefreak734

    What if...(You-person-person-you. Happy Snorchu? :P)

    RE: What if... kaboom What if you accidently sneezed on your bosses' face?
  5. Gamefreak734

    What would you do if you met....

    RE: What would you do if you met... Throw tomatoes at you for saying yourself when you shouldn't be. :P Leona Lewis?
  6. Gamefreak734

    MS word backdrop color?

    No, I'm not talking about the document background. Here this picture will explain what I want changed. The red arrow points to what I want in blue:
  7. Gamefreak734

    MS word backdrop color?

    I'm using XP, MS word 2003
  8. Gamefreak734

    What would you do if you met....

    RE: What would you do if you met... Guys please stop saying yourself as the person. 'Tis the rules I'm afraid. Well I don't actually know who Marc is but I'm sure we would say hi and get to know each other..... or would we....? a random cat?
  9. Gamefreak734

    Finished Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game~KEEP IT TO COINS ONLY & PG items! Let's get 5k posts

    RE: Pokebeach's Vending Machine Game (KEEP IT TO COINS ONLY & PG/G12~items! ) 2000+ posts You get a piece of mildy rotten cheese. Lol have fun XD *inserts coin*
  10. Gamefreak734

    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year from Ireland! Right now the time is 15:07. 2009!:D
  11. Gamefreak734

    MS word backdrop color?

    Is there any way you can chance the back drop colour? I' trying to do coursework but the boring grey keeps on putting me off. And I am not talking about the background colour on the document. The colour behind the document. So how can I change it to blue?
  12. Gamefreak734

    Pokebeach New Year Resolutions?

    - Pass GCSEs - Loose a bita weight - Figure out what I'm gonna do after school - Get fluent in french and spanish - Try to make more interesting threads - Try to get a decent fan-fic - Cut down on the amount of time spent on PC
  13. Gamefreak734

    PS3 or 360?

    Okay well I kinda spent my Christmas money on sweets and games..... its a long story. But I'm officaly saving up for a PS3:D I got nothing against xbox I just prefair PS because: - Don't have to pay for internet - Ratchet and clank games and littlebig planet - PS3/PSP conectivity But I do like...
  14. Gamefreak734


    Well I don't own one yet, I was going to but then I spent most of my Christmas money on sweets and games.:( But fingers crossed for my birthday..... Hey since you say you have a PSN network ID I have a question. I regestered my PSP on PSN yesterday and since my dad won't let use use his credit...
  15. Gamefreak734

    The Official 12/21/12 Discussion Thread..

    Well mabye since the mayans didn't actually say the world will end (right?) they where referring to a certain part of somewhere or wherever they lived?
  16. Gamefreak734

    iPod Touchs

    I think it is actually quite good, just very overpriced. My friend just got one for Christmas and he likes it. If you get it as a gift be thankful you didn't have to pay for it.
  17. Gamefreak734

    PS3 or 360?

    Right now I actually have just enough to afford either of the consoles but not both. I really want one so which one is better? P.S I have a wii so don't bring it into this.
  18. Gamefreak734


    Wall-e was just okay I think. For me the best pixar film is tie between toy story and ratatouie. Tbh I have never heard of this film "Bolt" but if its 3-D then I'm sure its okay. But, if it has Miley Cyrus then I'm sure its *TV censored beep*
  19. Gamefreak734

    Merry Christmas PB!

    RE: Merry Christmas PokeBeach! Woop Woop! I got a drum kit:D again, MC everyone