What would you do if you met....

RE: What would you do if you met...

Have a tea party!

A person that has tea parties because they think tea parties are cool but they're really not...
RE: What would you do if you met...

I already met you, but I'll post anyways.

I'd serve you Green Eggs and Ham.

RE: What would you do if you met...

Run before he finds my poor soul, which I keep in an old waffle box in the basement of Willy Wonka's Factory.

Willy Wonka? (Not to be confused with Billy Tonka.)
RE: What would you do if you met...

Follow him around and do Max's job whenever Croagunk isn't around.

A kitten?
RE: What would you do if you met...

I would have a Hariyama Falcon Focus Punch it.

George H.W. Bush
RE: What would you do if you met...

I really don't know what will happen. Explosion.

A real life Dusknoir lurking in your hallways at midnight. When you are sleeping.
RE: What would you do if you met...

Say "YO YO WASSUP?!" And then go back to sleep.

How about me?
RE: What would you do if you met...

Throw tomatoes at you for saying yourself when you shouldn't be. :p

Leona Lewis?
RE: What would you do if you met...

Steal his donuts and RUN!

Micheal Jackson?