What would you do if you met....

RE: What would you do if you met...

Kill him.....because.....THAT'S JUST THE WAY IT IS!!!!!BA BA BA BA!!!!!!BA BA BA!
Well, it's kind of hard to sing on the internet.....

Some one who's purpose of existance was to make you sandwiches.
RE: What would you do if you met...

... .. Im not gonna put what i really would do so...
Ask to go back to Earth xD

Daniel Radcliffe
(For you americans :p Hes the guy out of Harry Potter) :D
RE: What would you do if you met...

Congrats him and give him a pat on the back. Oh and ask for his sig.

How about WPM?
RE: What would you do if you met...

try to discover the password to his PokeBeach account :p (just kidding of course)

Chuck Norris?

(don't know him? click here)
RE: What would you do if you met...

Fusion me with him to create the ultimate human!

-Bruce Darnell ?
RE: What would you do if you met...

Ask who the heck he is before forcing him to spend the rest of his days making sandwiches for me.

Willy Wonka?
RE: What would you do if you met...

Eat him.
Willy Wonka said:
But that is called cannibalism, my dear children, and is in fact frowned upon in most societies.
*shrugs and chows down*

An Eskimo?
RE: What would you do if you met...

use him as bait for ice-fishing (i just know those fish want revenge :p)

Darth Vader
RE: What would you do if you met...

Kill him and get money selling his body

Adam Sandler
RE: What would you do if you met...


Bananas in pyjamas
RE: What would you do if you met...

Let's have a Pyjama Party =O (Oh my god, someone knows Banans in Pyjamas xDDD)

-Dr.House ?
RE: What would you do if you met...

Id better be sick then... He ALWAYS knows what to do!

Megan Fox?
RE: What would you do if you met...

*Point and Laugh*
*Eat all there food*
*Adopt them until the government cheques arrive them drop them back at the adoption house*

RE: What would you do if you met...

ask her who the hell she is .-.

Morpheus? (The Matrix)
RE: What would you do if you met...

I'll tell him that I'll take the green pill.

Darth Vader