What would you do if you met....

RE: What would you do if you met...

Take his wallet and book it.

bill gates.
RE: What would you do if you met...

You're not aloud to say me anymore sorry so i have to do Photoography's: runaway in cirlcles and hit a lampost

RE: What would you do if you met...

Guys please stop saying yourself as the person. 'Tis the rules I'm afraid.

Well I don't actually know who Marc is but I'm sure we would say hi and get to know each other..... or would we....?

a random cat?
RE: What would you do if you met...

Challenge him to a Pokémanz battle.

Miley Cyrus?
RE: What would you do if you met...

This chair is just right! *sits on it, causing it to shatter* Oops...
