What would you do if you met....

RE: What would you do if you met...

Look dumb, so he doesnt waste time killing me :3

Al 'The King' Bundy?
RE: What would you do if you met...

Pull his hand out of his friggin pants and make him beat himself with it :p

Anakin Skywalker?
RE: What would you do if you met...

Kill him before the events of episode I and see what becomes of Star Wars

Mr Rodgers? (The guy in all the american baby shows)
RE: What would you do if you met...

Well I actually don't know what a manga droid is, so I guess I would run because it sounds like something nasty....

Rick Ashley? (The one responsible for rick rolling!)
RE: What would you do if you met...

Don't you mean Rick Astley? And I'd give him a high five.
