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  1. S

    Lugia LEGEND. What's the best engine for it?

    Run both the legends with another 2 ho-oh legend. Add in 4 Legend box and 4 Energy Exchanger. Then put in a 4-4 Slugma Magcargo chain from undaunted. This deck uses the rest of the space in it for energies just split the space left in the deck into 3 then put in those 3 divisions fire, water and...
  2. S

    Pokemon If Pokemon were real...

    I have had about 4 visions at different points in my life where when my family is driving from Portugal across the border to Ayamonte in Spain, there is a poke-ball at the side of the road and we stop to get it and it has a Pokemon inside it but when I try to get the Pokemon out of the ball the...
  3. S

    Looking for insight on my Machamp deck

    I haven't actually made a deck but did have a good idea for one after the hgss cards cannot be used anymore in the year ahead. The most recent deck I did build was Reuniclus (Net Force), Beheeyem and Cofagrigus (Damagriigus) that works very well. I also made a deck that runs off of double...
  4. S

    Weekly Discussion #1 - Dreams

    The one where you teleported from your mum's bed to your own was probably you in your mum's bed then when you fell asleep, someone carried you back to your own bed. Dreams always reflect on events that have either happened or are happening which is what explains all the dreams that people have...
  5. S

    Looking for insight on my Machamp deck

    You will need Bebe's Search and Expert Belt if you are going for unlimited play and 1 or 2 Luxury ball have got to be in there too and the 4 candies are a must for a machamp deck. Remove the golurk 3-3 evo chain and replace with the conkeldurr chain going for a 2-1-2 line. Maybe add in a couple...
  6. S

    The reason for your username?

    LPG stands for Liquid Petroleum Gas which I don't think you are made of! Back on the subject of usernames, mine is Sallarrieye because when I was in year 4, my friend made up 2 pokemon, one was and evolution of groudon and was called Explodon and the other was an evolution of salamence, called...
  7. S

    (1) Translations of New BW4 'Dark Rush' Cards [12/2]

    Darkrai looks like a great card with it's Dark Cloak ability making all your Pokemon with a darkness energy attached have no retreat cost plus a powerful attack that does 90 damage AND a 30 damage snipe for only 3 energies!!! In addition the artwork on this card is outstanding! This card is a...
  8. S

    (H) All three Pika's! Absol X,And plus more(W) Electivire G x,Medicham

    RE: (H) rival LVL's Plus All Three Pikachu's :D(W) Flygon LVL X i have 1 gallade 4 if you want only one? [hr] oh and a shiny special metal and dark[hr] i need 2 pikachu doing stuff and 2 of your RR lv xs