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    Pokemon-16 4 Pikachu Promo 3 Raichu Prime 1 Raichu LVX 3 Pachirisu 2 Uxie 1 Rayquaza LA 1 Unown Q 1 Azelf T/S/S-28 3 Seeker 3 Bebe's Search 3 Pokemon Collecor 2 Fisherman 1 Palmer Contribution 4 Super Scoop Up 4 Quick Ball 2 Pokemon Communication 1 Vs Seeker 1 Premier Ball 2 Broken Time Space...
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    Is P!P Going to Break Sableye?

    I was told by our PTO that it was BTS. Maybe he's mistaken.
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    Is P!P Going to Break Sableye?

    I don't think that if a rotation occurs, it will be RR on. The reason I say this is the league promo coming out is BTS and special dark. Why would they release a league promo to have it unplayable? Agreed that sableye will be a problem. We may have to suffer thru till fall before the madness ends.
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    states medals

    Nothing as of this morning. My daughter placed 3rd over the weekend (congrats Emily!) So we will be waiting for one more.
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    states medals

    Nothing yet and no news to add on when they may be arriving.
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    Altaria PL

    Wow this is ironic. My daughter and I had about the same concept at league last nite. What about adding muna from B/W set also when released? 60 from its basic if asleep (2 energy cost though) or misrevious SF one energy heal 50 and do 50 if asleep. aishen, do you know of a skeleton build...
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    (2) BW Rule Changes, Set and Theme Deck Lists [4/4]

    Entei raikou legend will also loose and become binder glitter. No more powers to hit.
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    states medals

    Point well taken GHJamesGH. What is the reason for the delay is what I'm wondering.
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    states medals

    They shipping to your residence or to the TO's?[hr] I understand that an unfortunate disaster has hit Japan. My heart goes out to all that's affected. If the medals were being made when it hit (which was 2 weeks ago). Is it bad planning on the company when a reward isn't available? Reason is...
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    states medals

    Does anyone have an idea when states medals will arrive? My daughter placed 3rd,and we were told sometime in late April? That seems a long time to wait for something that should of been at the tourney prior to it starting. Also why weren't they there before states? Thanks!
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    pokemon e mail

    Thanks for the reply. I tried that addy, it comes back with it as no longer valid. Didn't know if there is a new one available.
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    pokemon e mail

    Does anyone know of an e mail addy to get in touch with pokemon? My daughter has an issue with one of her rounds. I pulled up the new site to submit a request but the submit tab is missing. I was hoping to send an e mail for assistance but couldn't find an addy. Thanks in advance!
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    there's a storm brewing

    What is everyone's thoughts on the trainer gust of wind releasing in B/W? Will it help to even the playing field with SP dominating or will it boost trainer lock builds?
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    new mew revue

    Pokes 10 4 mew 2-2 blaziken fb 2 rhy X the goods 23 4 research documents 3 energy returner 2 palmers 4 collector 2 bebes 4 rescue 4 judge Energy 27 4 rainbow 4 rescue 4 call 3 fire 12 psy Normal concept with mewperior but with a twist. Use research documents to...
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    raichu masters states

    Which raichu is that? I thought the prime was the ud one. Do u mean sv?
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    raichu masters states

    Bump! Anyone with help out there? Power locking the deck crushes the build. Besides that issue, its running fine.
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    MewPerior (Mew Prime/Rhyperior LV.X) (Seniors, States)

    I didn't say take him out completely. Just don't rely on him for a good start. Just don't get power locked along the way. Good luck!
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    MewPerior (Mew Prime/Rhyperior LV.X) (Seniors, States)

    Or you could portrait for a Palmer's, flower shop or a judge that knocks your own collector out of your own hand. Smeargle can be beneficial if it works, game changing (not in your favor) if it doesn't. I would rather go with a couple mulligans to get the preferred starter without the worry of...
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    MewPerior (Mew Prime/Rhyperior LV.X) (Seniors, States)

    This is my support list for our mew build 4 Collector 3 Judge 4 Palmers 4 Pkm Rescue 3 Bebe's Not so much energy 25ish is enough. We run 27 and it isn't much of a problem. Yea eyes bug out when you crush for 250 but it isn't necessary. You want a mew start (like you didn't know that)...
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    MewPerior (Mew Prime/Rhyperior LV.X) (Seniors, States)

    Judge are crucial for this deck. I took a mew build to top cut at cities and it played a big part. Also I couldn't stress more the need for bebes search. That way if a perior is in hand, judge it away or bebes it back. Palmers is exceptional here also. Azelf as much of a bench sitter he can...