(2) BW Rule Changes, Set and Theme Deck Lists [4/4]

Well, one thing I have realised. I can play BTS first turn and evolve my pokemon on first turn, so its just that i need all the pokes in hand to do usual donks, and now i can use supporter first turn...BTS now rules absolutely xD
However, this doesn't make sense. Errata Rare Candy to make it less powerful but left BTS unchanged so everybody is gonna use it? Tells me that Platinum is getting rotated.
I really just wanna know if the final evos of the Starters are Rotom-foil/glass-holo in the decks, but I guess I'll find out in 2 days P:
the new rules are going to make competitive play a mess until we get our sets rotated.
honestly. i dont think P!P should have implemented these new rules that were meant for a hgss+on format to our MD+on format.
unless sableye, broken time space, and other various cards are removed, competitive play will see a huge dip in popularity due to the many problems that arises from the new rules
If anyone thinks these new rule changes starting with BW is going to hurt Stage 2 decks' chances of competing well against SP's and Basic Pokemon decks due to the errata of Rare Candy there is one card that makes up for it....

Broken Time-Space. Nuff said. Of course against the SableDonk matchup I can expect an auto-loss, LuxChomp it might vary but it's still an unfavorable matchup though. BTS isn't hurting the format ogray, infact it's one of the last good Stadiums that helps Stage 2 decks tremendously especially to help catch up against SP and Basic decks.

SP's (LuxChomp/DialgaChomp/etc.), Sableye SF, LostGar, and Gyarados SF is what's hurting the current format.
so, no pokemon catcher.



luxchomp can still operate BUT prof juniper may be a big enough boost for gyarados.
I can see Juniper helping Rayquaza C Lv. X but even then that Pokemon card has a higher chance of rotating out of the format. Professor Juniper could see play over Junk Arm in Gyarados decks, time will tell I guess. No Pokemon Catcher and Max Heal was the best bullet TPCi has dodged so far...

With those 2 cards being delayed there's a good chance that they will be released after Rotation where the metagame and the next format becomes more stable. I'm still calling for HGSS or Arceus-On but I'm thinking HGSS is a bigger possibility.
on a side note, when will we have our rotations?
is there a usual schedule?

a arceus on rotation would be very fun
It's supposed to be after Worlds but considering what happened in Japan recently with them cancelling their Qualifiers I'm not sure. I'm really hoping it happens when Black & White is released later this month instead of having to wait til August for change to occur.

Everyone's already fed up with SP's and the stagnation of the current format, it'd be another step in the right direction If TPCi and P!P implements a rotation later this month. It's very much needed, we're all tired of waiting.
I'm not playing until rotation... this is super dumb. Luxray and Gdos need to be wiped off the face of the earth. Pokemon Catcher needs to be implemented immediately.
Vulpix Yolk said:
Who cares about Catcher anyways serious? It is just a reprint of a card that used to be great, but now it is pointless and will only be a huge loss for any decks consistency. It may have some interesting combos, but it seriously isn't anything to get too excited about even if it were coming out. Anyways the fact that you can play any card T1 is just ridiculous, they should have limited the cards you can use T2 instead. Despite the fact I hate all of the new rules, I am excited for a Pokemon Communication reprint.

ok you say that when your trying to set up your precious pokemon. for a gyarados to 110 tail revenge you every turn. even if gyarados and catcher won't be together in a modified format you still have donphan and...zekrom + pachirisu....

anyway i made a video of my anger towards the "new rules" towards ThisPoopCruddedIndirectly (tpci):

lol what if we seceded from them or went on strike. (well im still gonna go to tournaments unless a ton of people get together and revolt)
watched your vid... i agree except the part where you say "i like the current format" The current format is blah...and it will remain blah until the rotation.
The only problem I have with this is that SableDonk is going to rule, especially with Crobat G, Poke'turn, E-Belt, Junk Arm, and Seeker. Then there is the fact that you Discard everything after you play it. That is one pointless change that doesn't need to be changed. Can you get warned for keeping it by your Active? Like right now without the change?
I saw your video on YouTube SPIRE_FAN, I almost forgot about the downside about the
Rare Candy errata hurting Machamp SF for catching up to the speed of SP and Basic decks with Take Out. That's most likely the biggest flaw to the Rare Candy errata from what I understand at least for this format anyway. Thanks for pointing that out.

I did think about BTS a bit heavily at the time, thinking it could make up for Rare Candy to help Machamp but it doesn't. The Plus Power errata is good and bad though it was meant to downplay Donks but like I said earlier the power creep of the late Diamond/Pearl and Platinum sets is hurting it, not sure what to say about the Plus Power issue besides that.
While I like the new rules, I think that it is a major mistake by putting them into the format before sets rotation. It is going to be nearly impossible to beat a Gyarados decks now if it goes first and SP will gain a huge advantage now as well. With the new Black and White changes I think the 5 top winning decks for nationals and world is going to be the following 5, starting with number 1 being the best.

1. Gyarados
2. Dialga/chomp
3. Sablelock/donk
4. Emboar/Magmortar
5. Arceus
my belief is that donk decks take away the spirit of pokemon (tcg) because it turns it into "get one of these few decks that beat everyone...mimic it as close as you can...then when you start the game, try to be faster than the other guy" especially now with the first person being able to use t/s/s. With this format (and unless they bump the rotation past RR) there's no originality. I think that's why I'm bummed about no Catcher. Many people are going to just stick with their current decks. if they take away the SP, it would free people up to be more original while still having a chance to win.

Right now, originality = lose.....and that is lame.

Also, Umbreon UD is going to lose so much of it's fair power because of the rule chance with the Abilities...if someone's awesome power/body pokemon is held up by Umbreon UD, they'll simply (and pretty easily) just switch to their new awesome ability pokemon and destroy umbreon. poor kid.
On the bright side Zoroark makes up for Umbreon in some cases I guess, still Foul Play isn't nearly as good as Moonlight Fang. It's a hard choice unless you run both.
Entei raikou legend will also loose and become binder glitter. No more powers to hit.
Hoo boy.. these changes are gonna make a few decks go berserk (Especially gdos)

Question.. If all T/S/S are considered Trainers now... Does that mean Spiritomb and Vileplume lock them all?
I really hoep not cause that would just be broken o.o
Card Slinger J said:
On the bright side Zoroark makes up for Umbreon in some cases I guess, still Foul Play isn't nearly as good as Moonlight Fang. It's a hard choice unless you run both.

Well there has been some discussion on this at the gym, and most likely Umbreon will be able to block powers, bodies and abilities, because they are similar to the Pokemon Powers to bodies/powers shift from Ex-DP onwards. So Umbreon will still be great.

And Entei Raikou will not become binder fodder, there are still a huge number of pokemon with only powers or bodies. So far only 6 or so have the new 'abilities', so it will be a while before abilites outnumber powers/bodies and become more significant.
Blue_Horizon said:
Well there has been some discussion on this at the gym, and most likely Umbreon will be able to block powers, bodies and abilities, because they are similar to the Pokemon Powers to bodies/powers shift from Ex-DP onwards. So Umbreon will still be great.

And Entei Raikou will not become binder fodder, there are still a huge number of pokemon with only powers or bodies. So far only 6 or so have the new 'abilities', so it will be a while before abilites outnumber powers/bodies and become more significant.

Wrong on both point. While the first is debatable, remember that thesplit was originally done simply to differentiate pokemon power that are always "on" and those that need to be activated.

Abilities are a whole different mechanic. Think of it as a split between stadiums and trainers.

On the other, the reason ERL was so huge was because of the prevalence of the pixies. Particularly in gyarados/regigigas where having all three on the bench is rather common (excluding regice), ERL practically destroys them. Post-rotation, however, very few powers remain that are critical in every deck, bar magnezone, who will climb up the ranks real quick, as well as ninetales in fire decks. And neither one fall from one hit. Maybe if zekrom becomes the metagame you could hit pachi and shaymin, but still.