Search results

  1. Zeto

    PokéBeach Create-a-Card Competition #3: Image-based winner: DXM147! Text-based winner: 47bennyg!

    ^The only link i could make was Summer Blockbuster. If DNA submits for judges, no one s got a chance lol
  2. Zeto

    Mew Ex Attrition (Final List)

    RE: Mew Ex Attrition (REVISED) ^I believe 2 rescue scarf is not needed, since you have 3 Mews already (6 prizes). I believe you can add a Super Rod instead. Furthermore, 1-1 ninetales is too risky in my opinion. It d be better if you had 2-2 ninetales. This is all I can think of right now, I...
  3. Zeto

    Druddigon/ Amoongus

    ^By using some draw powers like Cheren :P I d keep my catchers honestly, as a counter against switches, if i were to play this deck. What are they going to do by catchering up my ammonguss? Waste his time while i power up my druddigons. It s a either a KO ammonguss, either it s wait. And in...
  4. Zeto

    Druddigon/ Amoongus

    ^Very good explanation for Terrakion (the reason why i recommand only 1 is because of the 1-2 prize exchange. Otherwise, Druddigon can keep up with other meta decks, which means with a 1-1 prize exchange). Second and third paragraph are perfect, that s exactly what I meant/want to say. Thank...
  5. Zeto

    Mew Ex Attrition (Final List)

    RE: Mew Ex Attrition ^It s clearer now, thank you. If i m correct, you want to play a Dustox Ninetales deck. U know that it s possible to start to attack by T2 or T3 without Milotic. Get a lot of support like Level Ball, Ultra Ball. I still don't get why you want to use Mew to attack instead...
  6. Zeto

    Druddigon/ Amoongus

    ^Reeeaaaallly... That s why every Zekeels deck has at least 2 Mewtwos. -_- Also, I was only implying that you want to completely change his deck, including the strategy. And hey, if you like to grab that chance with Bianca, go with Juniper, u get 7 instead. I, like some other players, want...
  7. Zeto

    Druddigon/ Amoongus

    ^Do you seriously want to destroy this deck? 'oh add mewtwo EX for Ho oh, oh add another for Mewtwo wars, oh add another to be consistent, oh add Eels for acceleration...' 1 Terrakion is enough. Cheren is much more staple than Bianca, Bianca is too situational, Cheren always gives you 3 more...
  8. Zeto

    Druddigon/ Amoongus

    ^If you found that offensive, I apologize, sincerely. And to be honest, I just want to help this guy to have a decent deck to play, at least. I personally hate elitism because it takes out all the fun and originality part of Pokemon TCG. And look what we have here? We got one guy who desire to...
  9. Zeto

    Revolution Against EXs?

    It s already out anyway, didnt anyone of you read the new Klinkling Plasma?
  10. Zeto

    Druddigon/ Amoongus

    Over 2 turns: Tdamage=0 1st: Druddigon attacks Tdamage=60 #And your opponent have 0/2 chance of retreating, while with a sleep condition, he has 1/2 chance poison Tdamage=70 He tries to attack and gets heads (or switched, in the worst cases)...
  11. Zeto

    Druddigon/ Amoongus

    ^both of these Pokemons cannot keep the lock. The list looks well built. I have thought about this decks and the only thing I came across is: what if a druddigon dies. You sure cannot catch up with your opponent with a 2 energy card attack (double colorless and whatever the other one is)...
  12. Zeto

    Mew Ex Attrition (Final List)

    RE: Mew Ex Attrition What s the strategy? Bring out these Pokemons and put mew ex in front just to give your opponent 2 prizes? Obviously, mew is awesome, both card and abilty, but the 120hp put it in KO range by almost every single meta deck. If u want to use ninetales, focus on him. If u want...
  13. Zeto

    I have always confused you with CMP... And both of you fake... And are mods...

    I have always confused you with CMP... And both of you fake... And are mods...
  14. Zeto

    PokéBeach Create-a-Card Competition #3: Image-based winner: DXM147! Text-based winner: 47bennyg!

    ^i would love to, but I am afraid that my faking skills are not great enough to be one! Anyway, congrats to DXM147!
  15. Zeto

    Pokemon Purple (PKMNxEVA)

    Who s the mascot?
  16. Zeto

    PokéBeach Create-a-Card Competition #3: Image-based winner: DXM147! Text-based winner: 47bennyg!

    ^fan is a "counter" to the heat, which is a perfect rogue anti-meta, if i may in the TCG language :) But finally I agree to your ranking, because like a mistake you made, Benny s attacks weren't aligned, if u take a .5 out there, and add a .5 to creativity (yes, I still think it deserves...
  17. Zeto

    PokéBeach Create-a-Card Competition #3: Image-based winner: DXM147! Text-based winner: 47bennyg!

    Oh c'mon, Rotom was so awesome, nobody thought of that, creativity should have been 20/20. The card s image looks so much like a real one's. I am rooting for 47bennyg.
  18. Zeto

    Pokemon Purple (PKMNxEVA)

    I like the theme, will be waiting! When is it coming out?
  19. Zeto

    593462, Lol, no one s gonna make fun of you now!

    593462, Lol, no one s gonna make fun of you now!
  20. Zeto

    Deus: Nightmare Autarch, Reeeeaaaaallllyyy... It sounds some kinda yugioh monster name though.

    Deus: Nightmare Autarch, Reeeeaaaaallllyyy... It sounds some kinda yugioh monster name though.