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  1. Fridge

    A once Glorious Kingdom (an offensive OU team)

    Nice team. I've been messing around with a rain team this morning, and I think that something you should consider is abusing Pokemon with rain abilities more. Whilst swift swim isn't allowed with dirzzle, I would consider some of the following pokemon with rain abusing abilities: 1) Lapras...
  2. Fridge

    Woahhhh only just saw your profile post. Man, haven't been here for ages. Been keeping well...

    Woahhhh only just saw your profile post. Man, haven't been here for ages. Been keeping well, thanks :D Anything interesting going on round here any more? Haven't been around for a very long time.
  3. Fridge

    long time no speak, what's happening?

    long time no speak, what's happening?
  4. Fridge

    General Writing Discussion Thread | Current Topic: NaNoWriMo

    RE: Writer's Lounge I'm not sure if I'm meant to be posting things like this on this thread or whatever, but I've just started a new story that I posted the introduction or first chapter type thing of a couple of hours ago. I'd really appreciate it if a few of you read and and commented - all...
  5. Fridge

    5th Gen Competitive Movesets and Metagame

    Just a quickie to say I've done a lot of play-testing with Raikou as it was one of my favourite pokemon in the third and fourth generation meta-games. I liked to run a sub-cm set with thunderbolt and HP ice. Anyways this generation Raikou can't get the play-time it deserves. There are too many...
  6. Fridge

    Mario Kart Wii-Tourney on Saturday and Sunday!

    RE: Mario Kart Wii I'm a huge mario kart fan. If any of you wan't to play me, PM and we can exchange friend codes.
  7. Fridge

    PokeBeach's Official 5th Gen Ban List

    RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List Woah, slow up a minute, We're banning garchomp? Can someone explain the logic here? I know smogon have banned it, but we've done 0 testing and shouldn't we reach our own conclusions?
  8. Fridge

    Pokemon Calling all UK players!

    Londoners FTW. I could get to norwhich once in a while, but I gave up TCG a while ago... sorry :(
  9. Fridge

    What's the stupidest thing you've done on PokeBeach?

    ^I was about to like that post, then I remembered this wasn't facebook. Just remembered something else I kept doing that was stupid, posting out-dated decks in the deck garage (the early when where there wasn't an unlimited section) and they kept getting locked. I could never figure out why! :P
  10. Fridge

    Gas Prices

    In the UK at least almost 70% of the amount we pay on fuel is tax from the government, so I don't see how the fuel companies are making such profits at all. They're discovering new oil springs all the time though, one was just bought up in Israel. But as I say, electric car technology will...
  11. Fridge

    Gas Prices

    Over here in the UK its become absolutely ridiculous. Its about £1.50 a litre, and I don't know how much that is in dollars but its completely insane. The most realistic option I've seen is using bio-ethanol, which is around 40p a litre, but you have to have your engine and car converted which...
  12. Fridge

    What's the stupidest thing you've done on PokeBeach?

    Not technically on pokebeach, but the stupidest thing I ever did was trying to get access into the 'sarc' chat channel. Made a few enemies. Big mistake. Put my foot in my mouth once too often.
  13. Fridge

    PokeBeach's Official 5th Gen Ban List

    RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List @WinterChevalier, Latios and Latias have a difference in their base stats: Latios has a higher special attack and latias has a higher special defence. This means Latios is a far more powerful sweeper than latias and so has been banned. However there is still...
  14. Fridge

    Osama Bin Laden is dead.

    ^Dude, misunderstanding a term due to ignorance isn't something you should be comparing to mass murder. Okay he didn't know, that's not something you can say is 'no better than Bin Laden'.
  15. Fridge

    Osama Bin Laden is dead.

    I'm pretty sure he's dead. I highly doubt they would fake an assassination now, years after any serious (debatable) Al Quaeda (sp?) activity. I don't see why they would fake his death now, it just doesn't seem like thats a possibility. I firmly believe he's gone. Besides, the reason the CIA gave...
  16. Fridge

    PokeBeach's Official 5th Gen Ban List

    RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List ^Not sure about that as blaze blaziken is still banned, so yeah I think if a pokemon has a banned ability then its banned altogether. Like PMJ said, a pokemon's ability is integral to that pokemon; you can't just ban an uber pokemon specific moves to make it OU...
  17. Fridge

    PokeBeach's Official 5th Gen Ban List

    RE: PokeBeach's Official Ban List They aren't listed because its unnecessary, the ability is banned thus they are too. Move on.
  18. Fridge


    I could see your set being used as a lead with a bit of tweaking, but not much else. As you say, hitmonlee is too fragile for OU play. Also there are just far better fighting types out there that don't need all the set up and can utilize an item.
  19. Fridge

    Notice: 0 Post Accounts to be Deleted

    There's really no reason to complain about this. If one has no posts and their account is deleted, what have they lost anyway? They can make a new account if they care. /end
  20. Fridge

    BW/BW2 Scrafty - Bulk Up or Dragon Dance?

    For in game purposes, you want dragon dance. Scrafty is a slow pokemon and for facing the elite four and such scrafty is incredibly useful as a pokemon who is immune to psychic attacks, resistant to dark attacks (and hits them for super-effective stab attacks). 1 DD allows you to get your speed...