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  1. Vitiel

    News Japan's SM4+ Set: 'GX Battle Boost!'

    Fire Memory is probably the most relevant so far, since you one-shot Golisopod and rip into Metagross. Run Silvally with Magearna EX or something too to handle Garde. Silvally will only become more versatile with more memories, but I don't see it as stable. Plus, making meta calls will likely...
  2. Vitiel

    Standard Furious Box (Buzzwole GX / Sudowoodo / Carbink Break)

    What would your thoughts be on Mew FCO?
  3. Vitiel

    News Japan's SM4+ Set: 'GX Battle Boost!'

    Brigette eases the burden a lot; you really only need 1 Venusaur on the bench so you'd probably just want to grab one Bulbasaur and 2 Eggs.
  4. Vitiel

    Standard Shining Genesect/Venusaur

    Even if Ray requires 2 by default, it's a cinch when you have Venusaur.
  5. Vitiel

    News Japan's SM4+ Set: 'GX Battle Boost!'

    Brigette is still standard, since she's in Breakthrough.
  6. Vitiel

    News Japan's SM4+ Set: 'GX Battle Boost!'

    could be a fun meme with venusaur
  7. Vitiel

    Standard CRI-on Lunala box/ Mew

    They only get 1 [C] from Counter Energy.
  8. Vitiel

    Standard CRI-on Lunala box/ Mew

    You basically have nothing that takes advantage of Counter Energy.
  9. Vitiel

    Standard Energy Totem (Shining Genesect/Venusaur)

    Ray actually seems like an awesome idea with Venusaur what the heck?
  10. Vitiel

    Standard Guzzlord GX Playability

    Guzzlord GX can't really benefit from Counter Energy, though.
  11. Vitiel

    Standard Furious Box (Buzzwole GX / Sudowoodo / Carbink Break)

    Do you have any specifics/commentary on your finds? Sudowoodo seems like an interesting choice.
  12. Vitiel

    Standard Xurkitree GX

    Yes. OP should consider comboing Red Card + Delinquent + Lighting GX.
  13. Vitiel

    News Japan's SM4+ Set: 'GX Battle Boost!'

    How many decks in the current meta are really that special energy-reliant? I'm not sure it stacks up well for Xurkitree. 100 is kind of an unfortunate number, being shy of one-shotting Garbodor with kind of a meh effect otherwise. That GX attack is really mean, though.
  14. Vitiel

    Standard Grass Box

    Since only one of Venusaur's ability works at a time, maybe you should consider 2-1-2 instead? It seems like this deck would be super tight on bench space.
  15. Vitiel

    News Full English 'Shining Legends' Set List!

    Profane Punch is actually a pretty silly localization. Seems fun in itself, too.
  16. Vitiel

    Standard Buzzwole GX Rush (Anti-Evo Deck)

    Yeah, it definitely was, but will it be able to keep up without those luxuries when we have 210+ HP GXes?
  17. Vitiel

    Standard Buzzwole GX Rush (Anti-Evo Deck)

    To be fair wrt the talks of Landorus EX's success, it also had support like Korrina and Fighting Stadium in the later part of its standard life.
  18. Vitiel

    News 'Mysterious Power Tins' in October!

    So why are these treated as promos of their own and not alternate arts? Doesn't that go a bit against the purpose of that whole deal?
  19. Vitiel

    Standard Buzzwole GX Rush (Anti-Evo Deck)

    Carbink's ability wouldn't do anything against Righteous Edge, but it still helps with Flare Grunt and Plumeria discarding your basic Fightings.
  20. Vitiel

    Standard Buzzwole GX Rush (Anti-Evo Deck)

    With EX's falling by the wayside you'd probably be preferring the energy protecting Carbink.