Search results

  1. Avalarion

    [H] Lots of meta cards and old ex stuff [W] Cards for collection

    RE: Avalarion's Trade Thread Indeed I have quite a lot of this stuff lying around, but I don't think it'd be worth the cost to trade them overseas.
  2. Avalarion

    [H] Lots of meta cards and old ex stuff [W] Cards for collection

    RE: Avalarion's Trade Thread Bump #1 of this week.
  3. Avalarion

    ~~ Afro-G

    RE: Afro-G Everything nice and dandy, no problems whatsoever. +1
  4. Avalarion


    Everything nice and dandy, no problems whatsoever. +1
  5. Avalarion

    [H] Lots of meta cards and old ex stuff [W] Cards for collection

    RE: Avalarion's Trade Thread @Hikikomori-san: Well that's why I'm pretty much never interested in japanese card, everyone values them high. :P Anyway, if you'd add these on your side: 1x Magnemite SF RH {SteelType} 1x Magneton SF RH {SteelType} 1x Fighting Energy COL RH 1x Grass Energy PK RH 1x...
  6. Avalarion

    [H] Lots of meta cards and old ex stuff [W] Cards for collection

    RE: Avalarion's Trade Thread @Hagane: I'm probably getting Regirock from someone else (just waiting for deal confirmation) and I don't really see anything else on your list. @Hikikomori-san: I want the Psychic Energy so we can add that to the list. I already have the Grass one, so I don't want...
  7. Avalarion

    [H] Lots of meta cards and old ex stuff [W] Cards for collection

    RE: Avalarion's Trade Thread @Ludicolo909: I don't see anything I'd want, sorry. @Hikikomori-san: Oh I see what you did there. Well, after looking at your list I don't really see anything else I'd want... do you happen to have some unlisted cards from ex Holon Phantoms or some fancy RHs for...
  8. Avalarion

    [H] Lots of meta cards and old ex stuff [W] Cards for collection

    RE: Avalarion's Trade Thread Well, if they are not holo then it's all nice and dandy. And now I'm not confused as to why I saw lots of Eevees on your want list and yet you're offering that stuff to me. :P But anyways... If you'd take Shiny Lugia off my side I'll accept immediately, if not...
  9. Avalarion

    Trades [USA] H: EX's, Staple Trainers W: Various stuff, to CYL!!!

    RE: OPEN!!!! H: GENGAR PRIME, UXIE X, LOST WORLD MORE!! W: misc stuff, WC stuff, Set stf Hey, so what about that Uxie X? Is it for trade? If yes then I repeat my offer (2 Gengar Prime + 1 Crobat Prime) if not, let me know what would you want for Umbreon*.
  10. Avalarion

    [H] Lots of meta cards and old ex stuff [W] Cards for collection

    RE: Avalarion's Trade Thread @Collector: Didn't see anything, sorry. @Hikikomori-san: Okay, I checked the stuff you have from my wants and I think we can work something out. Are the POP3 cards Holo or not? I'm looking only for the non holo version, because I already have the holo ones. Anyhow...
  11. Avalarion

    [H] Lots of meta cards and old ex stuff [W] Cards for collection

    RE: Avalarion's Trade Thread Bump #3 of this week. Added some stuff including RH Call Energy and Shiny Lugia from CoL.
  12. Avalarion

    Trades [US Only] W: Bulk W: Metagame H: EX, FA Supporters, TSS, Packs, & Tons of ex/Lv X/Prime/Stars

    RE: Fungible Trading! H: huge update! shinies, *s, tons of ultras W: anything good! Make a counter offer and we'll see. :P If you, for example, take off Mew ex and one of the other HP ex I think I could accept that.
  13. Avalarion

    Trades [USA] H: EX's, Staple Trainers W: Various stuff, to CYL!!!

    RE: OPEN!!!! H: GENGAR PRIME, UXIE X, LOST WORLD MORE!! W: misc stuff, WC stuff, Set stf Well... I'd rather get the Uxie, but if that turns out to be a no-go we may work something out for Umbreon*.
  14. Avalarion

    Trades [US Only] W: Bulk W: Metagame H: EX, FA Supporters, TSS, Packs, & Tons of ex/Lv X/Prime/Stars

    RE: Fungible Trading! H: huge update! shinies, *s, tons of ultras W: anything good! Well, okay, I thought a bit about it and just thought that maybe you could add something on your side. Here's my offer: YOUR 1 Glaceon Lv. X 1 Espeon ex 1 Jolteon ex 1 Umbreon ex 1 Jolteon* 1 Mew ex HP 1...
  15. Avalarion

    Trades [USA] H: EX's, Staple Trainers W: Various stuff, to CYL!!!

    RE: OPEN!!!! H: GENGAR PRIME, UXIE X, LOST WORLD MORE!! W: misc stuff, WC stuff, Set stf I figured that might be an issue, but no problem, I can wait.
  16. Avalarion

    Trades [USA] H: EX's, Staple Trainers W: Various stuff, to CYL!!!

    RE: OPEN!!!! H: GENGAR PRIME, UXIE X, LOST WORLD MORE!! W: misc stuff, WC stuff, Set stf Hey there. I like your Uxie Lv. X and I could offer you 2 Gengar Prime (if you want multiples, that is) and a Crobat Prime for it. Let me know what do you think. I'd also want your: 1 Espeon Undaunted RH...
  17. Avalarion

    [H] Lots of meta cards and old ex stuff [W] Cards for collection

    RE: Avalarion's Trade Thread Bump #2 of this week. Added lots of stuff after opening 2 tins and 30 packs.
  18. Avalarion

    Trades [US Only] W: Bulk W: Metagame H: EX, FA Supporters, TSS, Packs, & Tons of ex/Lv X/Prime/Stars

    RE: Fungible Trading! H: update! tons of ex ultra rares W: anything good! Hmm, well, while I understand that you value your cards, at the moment I calculated that the stuff you want from me is worth about 55$ more than what I want from you, so not that cool for me. I think we can work something...
  19. Avalarion

    [H] Lots of meta cards and old ex stuff [W] Cards for collection

    RE: W: Uxie X, Eeveelutions H: Some Fancy Stuff Bump #1 of this week.
  20. Avalarion

    Returning with a new list! H: Stuff N:Magnezone Prime Mew Prime

    RE: Returning with a new list! Come trade! H: Gengar Prime I'm from outside US, but since I want some nice stuff maybe we can work out a worthwhile deal. Please check my list for: 1 Leafeon Lv. X 1 Absol G Lv. X 1 Flareon EX 1 Flareon * 1 Absol G 1 Jolteon * (not sure if I'll need this...