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Trades [USA] H: EX's, Staple Trainers W: Various stuff, to CYL!!!

RE: OPEN!!!! H: GENGAR PRIME, UXIE X, LOST WORLD MORE!! W: misc stuff, WC stuff, Set stf



SF special Charmander


Lucario COL (holo glass? what)
Junk arm


I don't really have an Extra umbreon anymore..sorry.
RE: OPEN!!!! H: GENGAR PRIME, UXIE X, LOST WORLD MORE!! W: misc stuff, WC stuff, Set stf

No, not sealed. Conditions are excellent.

I have:
2x Venasaur
1x Blastoise

No sleeves included. LMK if you're still interested.
RE: OPEN!!!! H: GENGAR PRIME, UXIE X, LOST WORLD MORE!! W: misc stuff, WC stuff, Set stf

No thanks, it is a very low want. Thanks for looking anyway!
RE: OPEN!!!! H: GENGAR PRIME, UXIE X, LOST WORLD MORE!! W: misc stuff, WC stuff, Set stf

Twins is already taken :/ and Lucario is non-holo (rarer than holo :p)
RE: OPEN!!!! H: GENGAR PRIME, UXIE X, LOST WORLD MORE!! W: misc stuff, WC stuff, Set stf


eh ntm sorry




do you have seeker?
RE: OPEN!!!! H: GENGAR PRIME, UXIE X, LOST WORLD MORE!! W: misc stuff, WC stuff, Set stf

Hey there. I like your Uxie Lv. X and I could offer you 2 Gengar Prime (if you want multiples, that is) and a Crobat Prime for it. Let me know what do you think. I'd also want your:

1 Espeon Undaunted RH
1 Leafeon Undaunted RH
1 Espeon E4 RH
1 Flareon Rising Rivals RH
1 Jolteon Rising Rivals RH

So CML to see if there's anything you'd be interested in.
RE: OPEN!!!! H: GENGAR PRIME, UXIE X, LOST WORLD MORE!! W: misc stuff, WC stuff, Set stf

Eh..only problem is you're in poland..I'll think about it and get back to you about the evee stuff ok/
RE: OPEN!!!! H: GENGAR PRIME, UXIE X, LOST WORLD MORE!! W: misc stuff, WC stuff, Set stf

I figured that might be an issue, but no problem, I can wait.
RE: OPEN!!!! H: GENGAR PRIME, UXIE X, LOST WORLD MORE!! W: misc stuff, WC stuff, Set stf

Also a rl friend may want it/currently talking about buying it from me at leauge..so I'm not sure if I want to trade it.

I have an Umbreon star pop 5 if you're interested
RE: OPEN!!!! H: GENGAR PRIME, UXIE X, LOST WORLD MORE!! W: misc stuff, WC stuff, Set stf

Well... I'd rather get the Uxie, but if that turns out to be a no-go we may work something out for Umbreon*.
RE: OPEN!!!! H: GENGAR PRIME, UXIE X, LOST WORLD MORE!! W: misc stuff, WC stuff, Set stf

I should hopefully know this saturday..but he hasnt responded to pm on here about it so i dunno
RE: OPEN!!!! H: GENGAR PRIME, UXIE X, LOST WORLD MORE!! W: misc stuff, WC stuff, Set stf

No Seeker, sorry. I updated my list though last night with tons of new stuff.
RE: OPEN!!!! H: GENGAR PRIME, UXIE X, LOST WORLD MORE!! W: misc stuff, WC stuff, Set stf

Hey, so what about that Uxie X? Is it for trade? If yes then I repeat my offer (2 Gengar Prime + 1 Crobat Prime) if not, let me know what would you want for Umbreon*.
RE: OPEN!!!! H: GENGAR PRIME, UXIE X, LOST WORLD MORE!! W: misc stuff, WC stuff, Set stf

I might be getting verified seller status Very soon. (in a week or so). If that occurs I'd prefer to sell the uxie x. I'll cyl tho and get back to you..crobat is an almost non-existent want anymore
RE: OPEN!!!! H: GENGAR PRIME, UXIE X, LOST WORLD MORE!! W: misc stuff, WC stuff, Set stf

Do you have any T-Tar Primes unlisted?

Please CML anyway; I might be able to find some things on your list (actually, your Scizor Prime). Thanks!
RE: OPEN!!!! H: GENGAR PRIME, UXIE X, LOST WORLD MORE!! W: misc stuff, WC stuff, Set stf

I don' think i have any of those left.. Scizors just got confirmed to satoshi. I Quickly cyl'd and saw shiny groudon..what else would you want?