Search results

  1. PokeDan23

    Sleeve Problems

    There is a store that I know of in Toronto where I could get the 60-card sleeves for 3-4 dollars. And in terms of the "store" that is set up in the hotel for the tournaments, I would NEVER buy from them as all of their merchandise is terribly overpriced. In all honesty, I'm kinda getting sick...
  2. PokeDan23

    Originality disappeared?

    So here's something I found from another thread where someone asked for deck help: "Instead of using those other attackers (seriously, they WILL NOT work) you should focus mainly on what I said. Your list should be something like: 2/2 Lugia Legend 2-2 Delcatty PL 2-2 Claydol 1 Uxie LA...
  3. PokeDan23

    Originality disappeared?

    I, too, am starting to get annoyed with the same decks being used over and over again. I started playing Pokemon again about a year ago and I'm already getting sick of it because almost everyone uses the same cards (Uxie, Claydol, etc.) and the same decks (I'm sick of facing people using...
  4. PokeDan23

    Pokemon Promo Cards

    ARGH!!! It's killing me that we don't know what DP Promo 54 and 55 are!!!! I hope they're not the Ho-Oh and Lugia from the poster packs coming me, that just wouldn't make sense...
  5. PokeDan23

    CHeap boster box?

    That's a good question. Unfortunately, like SixNumbers said, they're pretty much expensive everywhere in Canada. The cheapest I've bought one for was $115 (taxes included, but only because my friend and I bought one each and paid with cash), but I've seen them as high as $149 (before taxes...