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  1. monpyro97

    Rumor: Pikachu Voice Actor Died

    I think she is alive and didnt die
  2. monpyro97

    BW/BW2 Evil team (Accidentally) revealed? (Mods, close this topic please.)

    RE: Evil team (Accidentally) revealed? Thats really a mystery probaly its unlocks Zoroark and he has some thing with it
  3. monpyro97

    BW/BW2 N is Zoroark?

    That would be aweomse but i think he has only some things with Zoroark(Spelled it wrong)?
  4. monpyro97

    BW/BW2 Starter Evos?

    Fake but if the Mijumaru evo would be so i would loove it
  5. monpyro97

    Beach Magazine

    RE: Beach Magazine - we need YOU to supply our content! OMG i am dumb thanks Ice Espeon that becomes the one that never reads Bold Letters -_-'
  6. monpyro97

    (1) Clear Scans of July's 'CoroCoro' Magazine [7/13]

    Probaly ghost or dark^
  7. monpyro97

    Will ash win the sinnoh league?

    I hope he wins even if the chance is very low
  8. monpyro97

    Beach Magazine

    RE: Beach Magazine - we need YOU to supply our content! will it be a monthly magzazine or weekly one
  9. monpyro97

    BW/BW2 What type of new pokeball do you wanna see in 5th Gen?

    Weather ball sounds cool and might have a chance to appear
  10. monpyro97

    Avatars and art. Closed. Use new thread.

    RE: Avatars and art. Read the rules. Movie 14 Teaser Trailer Pokémon added. Great work like always Xous .I love them
  11. monpyro97

    FC's Fake Card Thread - Obliteration Reshiram/Groudon

    RE: FC's Fake Card Thread - (NEW: Neo Drapion!) Great work Flame Claw i wuv the cards
  12. monpyro97

    Virtual Stock Market Game [Rules Updated!]

    RE: Virtual Stock Market Game I joined but how does this game work ?
  13. monpyro97

    Rival in B/W & Anime

    I hope a new strong Pokemon lover rival that would be awesome
  14. monpyro97

    BW/BW2 Why Do People Dislike Generation 5?

    Timewill do well they will be adwith that gen and so they hate it .Like i do for some pokes :3
  15. monpyro97

    Fifa World Cup - South Africa 2010 - Spain Are The Champions!

    RE: Fifa World Cup - South Africa 2010 - Spain Win! Im really happy that spain won i like them so good work spain
  16. monpyro97

    BW/BW2 Is Cheren the son of Makomo?

    Probaly they have some resemblaces but i think not
  17. monpyro97

    Pokemon movie 13 hated?

    To me it looks awesome and i think that it will be aweosme.All peole have thier taste i cant make you llike waht i do
  18. monpyro97

    July 'CoroCoro' Scans Leaking [7/11]

    Oo that bird looks cool but kinds resmebles a Digimon i think it was Fakwmon or something like that but all news are great
  19. monpyro97

    Will Ash go back for his Pidgeot?

    I hope he gets back Pidgotto and i will kill Ash if he does rewally what PlayerKing65 said >:(
  20. monpyro97

    BW/BW2 What starter will you choose?

    Mijumaru all the way