Search results

  1. LoneWolf2113

    Speed Eevee (Glaceon / Flareon / Espeon / Deoxys EX)

    I feel that these changes could be made since it doesn't seem like these cards will be used extremely often. -1 Catcher -1 Energy Retrieval -1 Full Heal +1 Deoxys EX +2 Flareon Also, I feel that all Frozen City can be taken out and made into something else. -3 Frozen City +3 Plasma Frigate...
  2. LoneWolf2113

    Dusk Tornadus (Dusknoir / Tornadus)

    I also feel that Tornadus' Twister Throw would definitely be the better attack in this deck. If you could run mostly battle reporters with a Jirachi EX and some Random Reciever, I feel that you could be a little bit better off. It would be easier to match your opponent's hand size and hit for...
  3. LoneWolf2113

    Wobbugar (Wobbufett / Gengar EX)

    Overall, this list looks really strong. In regards to the Trevenant, I might take out 2 Sub Robot, 1 Vs. Seeker, and a Rare Candy. Also, long time no see, 'Espey. Good to be back on the forums again after a little hiatus. Hope this helps, LoneWolf2113
  4. LoneWolf2113

    Giga Impacting Garbodor! (Tyrantrum / Garbodor)

    Hmm. That is true. Seismitoad May be a problem. @Lixiel, I say budget since I already have those cards in my collection. The rest of the crap may need to be bought. I probably need to include more energy as well as a way to counter Cobalion Ex. Seismitoad isn't really played at all in my local...
  5. LoneWolf2113

    Keeping Yveltal Alive! (Yveltal EX / Aromatisse)

    Max Potion is great and Startling Megaphone is key considering how many abilities your deck runs off of. You need an answer to Garbodor and right now, this is the only one. What have you found out from playtesting Shadow Circle.
  6. LoneWolf2113

    Giga Impacting Garbodor! (Tyrantrum / Garbodor)

    RE: Giga Impacting Garbodor! (Tyrantrum / Garbodor) BCR-on *Bump
  7. LoneWolf2113

    Keeping Yveltal Alive! (Yveltal EX / Aromatisse)

    Another option to consider is running both Shadow Circle and Fairy Garden. Just play 1 Fairy Garden with 2 Shadow Circle. Fighting is very very huge in the meta right now especially with all the Fighting Type support. Hope this helps, LoneWolf2113
  8. LoneWolf2113

    Welcome to the forums!

    Welcome to the forums!
  9. LoneWolf2113

    Keeping Yveltal Alive! (Yveltal EX / Aromatisse)

    RE: [BCR-On] Keeping Yveltal Alive! (Yveltal EX / Aromatisse) Here's an idea. A guy at my local league played an Yveltal EX/Aromatisse deck for quite some time and I noticed the obvious and annoying presence of Virizion EX. Since he ran rainbow energy, he could use Virizion's Verdant Wind to...
  10. LoneWolf2113

    Giga Impacting Garbodor! (Tyrantrum / Garbodor)

    Pokemon: 3 Tyrunt FUF 3 Tyrantrum FUF 2 Trubbish LTR 2 Garbodor LTR 2 Lucario EX 2 Landorus FUF 2 Dedenne FUF 1 Mewtwo EX LTR Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 4 Sycamore 3 Fossil Researcher 4 N 3 Colress 2 Lysandre 3 Float Stone 3 Muscle Band 4 Ultra Ball 1 Dowsing Machine...
  11. LoneWolf2113

    Beat 'em or Join 'em: Dealing with Landorus-EX decks

    Ok so I've been thinking about Landorus EX decks in the new format. Really the most powerful combos I can think of are the overhyped Landorus-EX/Lucario EX decks as well as the US Nationals winning Landorus EX/Mewtwo EX/Garbodor/Raichu combo. So I'm thinking it's kind of a play the deck or beat...
  12. LoneWolf2113

    Furious Fighting Deck (Lucario EX / Landorus EX / Garbodor)

    Not that I don't think that losing Dark Patch won't slow Yveltal decks down, I just don't think it will be as drastic as everyone thinks. I own 0, count 'em, 0 Dark Patch and have done just fine with my Yveltal/Raichu, Yveltal/Zoroark and Yveltal/Garbodor decks. They've just worked out for me...
  13. LoneWolf2113

    Plasma Trevenant (Trevenant / Deoxys EX / Dimensional Valley)

    RE: Plasma Trevenant (Trevenant/Deoxys/Dimensional Valley) In regards to Luxiel's comments, you couldn't even play Skyarrow Bridge once Phantom Forces hits since it is a card in the Next Destinies set and could only be played in the extended format. Also, I see you don't have an ACE SPEC in...
  14. LoneWolf2113

    Which Games Do You Want Sequels for this Generation?

    Is nobody here going to mention a sequel to Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum in 3D? After OR/AS of course but I'd still like to see it. They were my favorite games and I'd really really love to see them.
  15. LoneWolf2113

    Blaziken / Raichu (Post - Furious Fists)

    Umm... Skyla isn't getting rotated out. The rotation is BCR-on for the upcoming season.
  16. LoneWolf2113

    Consistency in Deck Building

    RE: Consistancy in Deck Building A rule of thumb for me is generally to play 9 to 11 Draw Support and around 7-9 Search depending on what I'm playing, but the search varies more. For example, in my Yveltal/Zoroark deck, I play 4 Juniper, 4 N, 2 Colress, 1 Shauna, and even 4 Roller Skates all of...
  17. LoneWolf2113

    Plasma Faries: Possible LCQ Deck 1/4 (Aromatisse / Plasma)

    So since Giratina EX goes through Pyroar's Intimidating mane with Shred, I assume that means that it goes through Safeguarders as well?
  18. LoneWolf2113

    Tyrantrum / Landorus / Keldeo EX

    *Random Receiver. I can imagine what a "Random Reviver" would do though.
  19. LoneWolf2113

    The Next Rotation

    I am gonna HATE the fighting hype. I've had Yveltal/Raichu constructed for just around a month now and will then have to change probably once Furious Fists comes out.
  20. LoneWolf2113

    The Next Rotation and Yveltal

    Yes but since the league promo's number isn't BWXXX, and is 94/108 and shows the Dark Explorers symbol, it will be rotated out. :(