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  1. ShayminSky

    BW/BW2 Triple Battles

    How so?
  2. ShayminSky

    Total Drama World Tour!

    Sure, whatever. So going to high school automatically makes me lose my childhood? And the jokes on TD aren't always geared torwards kids. Its actually better when the FCC doesn't touch it.
  3. ShayminSky

    Total Drama World Tour!

    If you guys don't like it, why do you keep coming back? No offense, I'm just asking. I like the show, I find it funny. I don't try to question it and compare it to other shows either. I watched TDI, and TDWT. TDA, not so much, I just skipped it. Every show has a bump in the road sometime...
  4. ShayminSky

    The Internet Kill Switch

    ^ XD Its you, me(Im on your side but this is my first post), forte, PMJ, and dmaster against people who live off the internet. And to skylands: Have you had a virus before? One that shuts down basically the strongest antivirus protector and makes it so that you can't use it, it works by...
  5. ShayminSky

    BW/BW2 Random Speculations

    RE: The Speculation Page for Speculators with Random Speculationish Speculation! I would like to see more Eeveeloutions. Maybe give the ones that exist already a second stage, but that would take away from them awesomeness....:/ I want more stones, and more methods of evolving....
  6. ShayminSky

    BW/BW2 Triple Battles

    My thoughts EXACTLY! Thanks for pointing that out. They seem really fun, and combinations will be fun too. I am thinking we are getting 3 new Eevees and a new set of Plusle/Minun, to go with Triple Battles. I can't wait to try them out!
  7. ShayminSky

    (1) Real Artwork of Anime Character Sheet's Pokemon [7/8]

    lol Just like all the new threads in the Current Event Section. Thanks to Zy's no more evo/pre-evo thread, its calmed it down a bit. ^_^ I don't want it to be Ononokusu though, since it doesn't seem....right. I'd like it to be a different Pokemon, even though I'm probably wrong.
  8. ShayminSky

    BW/BW2 New Abilites you'd like to see

    I've got one for Lugia, since he's a beast and PMJ accidentally skipped him. Deoxys can go die in his crater. XP Leviathan: When HP is 1/3 low, Special Attack is maxed out. (Broken I know, but other abilities/items do it. XD)
  9. ShayminSky

    BW/BW2 new fossils

    Spino feels unloved. I also want a raptor. T-Rex, eh, it can wait. And its the legendary beasts, to dwarfstar.
  10. ShayminSky

    (1) Real Artwork of Anime Character Sheet's Pokemon [7/8]

    Me! Me! 20 Bucks! I like it being tan more than green. Green is eh, Larvitar.
  11. ShayminSky

    BW/BW2 new fossils

    You dont even have to check Bulbapedia! Take a look at Raikou. Is it really that hard? And no, (s)he it not a fossil pokemon. I was talking about Sabertooth tigers, and Raikou came up.
  12. ShayminSky

    BW/BW2 Things you don't want to see in B/W

    Its a joke...
  13. ShayminSky

    BW/BW2 Desukan - The Egyptian Sarcophagus Pokemon :)

    Read the front page. Ken just does the ART, not MAKE the Pokemon. :/ *cough cough* They look nothing alike so no you.*cough cough* I thint that because of the shadow arms, it will be Ground/Ghost, with high special attack, low Speed, and Low Attack. Special Defense will be decent, and...
  14. ShayminSky

    BW/BW2 Things you don't want to see in B/W

    1. If Zubats give you nightmares you might wanna get that checked out... 2. Why do people keep complaining about the speed? B/W are pushing the DS to its limit basically. The game is probably gonna be slow, so get over it.(Sorry if that offends anyone) 3. You are the ONLY person I know that...
  15. ShayminSky

    Scariest Nightmare / Dream?

    RE: Most scary nightmare/ dream? (Not more than the guy above you.) A while ago, when I was like 4 or 5, I had a dream when it was dark in the house, I was walking up stairs from the basement to the living room, and this guy came up from the corner, from the foye(Idk how to spell it...stupid...
  16. ShayminSky

    What internet browser do you use? v.2.0

    ^IE8? Or is it a new one? Im currently using Internet Explorer 8, but thats because Im on my desktop, and not my laptop. Ive been using IE forever, until recently, I dont know what happened, but my laptop won't open up Windows Explorer anymore, and Norton360 can't be opened and only does...
  17. ShayminSky

    BW/BW2 new fossils

    Raikou Right?(FINALLY! SOMEONE AGREES WITH ME! I still want a tiger though, Raikou's not enough) I'd like to see Spino.
  18. ShayminSky

    A Very Annoying Problem

    Maybe they are busy, or they just don't want to be shown online. It's a silly thing to be annoyed at.
  19. ShayminSky

    Ash's cyndaquil evolved will his other pokemon?

    Wow. Just wow. I hope Bulbasaur evolves, at least into an Ivysaur. I'd like to see it in battle.
  20. ShayminSky

    Movie 13 Zoroark Talk & Ash in the Isshu Region (Anime during BW)

    Brock is 15. Brock is actually smart and can battle well, he just doesn't do much. Brock also does the cooking. Brock is amazing. Nuff said. Does anyone else think Iris looks like Jasmine? Or is it just me?