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  1. Team Rocket Fan

    RMT Losers For The Win [PU]

    Sure! Well, in PU people can be really creative with their sets. For example some people can use a Rain Dance / Hurricanne / Scald / Roost Pelipper and actually make it work. However, the hard part of building a PU team is to be able to threaten most pokemon because you might see anyone in...
  2. Team Rocket Fan

    Speculation X/Y, OR/AS, XYZ-DE? Zeptember is here.

    You know I reacted exactly like this: Pokefans speculating: "It's gonna be Pokemon Z!" Pokefans reacting: "too predictable..." Pokefans speculating: "It's gonna be Pokemon Emer.." Pokefans reacting: "absolute nonsense." Pokefans speculating: "It's gonna be Pokemon Delta Z!" Pokefans reacting...
  3. Team Rocket Fan

    Dumbest But Funniest Moments

    Forget about the other one! This is the face of joke!
  4. Team Rocket Fan

    Art Gallery Team Rocket Fan's Gallery

    I hope you like the Battle of Legends!
  5. Team Rocket Fan

    RMT Losers For The Win [PU]

    The Team: Raticate (M) @ Toxic Orb Ability: Guts EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Protect - Facade - Sucker Punch - U-turn Raticate may be a joke in higher tiers but in PU it shines as one of the strongest attackers with a great move combinations and fairly good speed. In...
  6. Team Rocket Fan

    Art Gallery Athena's Art Dungeon and Garden Center (Jan 11 - Palossand)

    They're all awesome but there's no pictyure on the Dedenee.
  7. Team Rocket Fan

    Art Gallery Team Rocket Fan's Gallery

    I hope you guys like it! She's my favourite and I love her pokemon. I have done this a long time ago, before Pumpkaboo's evolution was announced. Mew and Beedrill are the cutest and one of the coolest pokemon guys! Anyway, enjoy and tell me if you like it! I love drawing! My family and teachers...
  8. Team Rocket Fan

    Do you think Pokemon Showcase will end up like Contests?

    Yeah, it isn't woth watching Unova at all. It sucks. It's all boring with lame pokemon lame character and lame movies. But all others including XY are awesome!
  9. Team Rocket Fan

    Pokemon Worlds 2015 Livestream for VG, TCG, and Pokken Tournament!

    Jacob Van Wagner had the most impressive set for sure. Am I the only one that prefers Plasma Storm Crobat over this one...?
  10. Team Rocket Fan

    Do you think Pokemon Showcase will end up like Contests?

    Wow. Well, Athena in my opinion if you missed the contest episodes you missed the best episodes. They were my favourites. Anyway, that what I'm talking about Pikachu6319. If Shawna wins it will be the same again with the primal rival of the female hero winning. However I'm sure Jessie will be...
  11. Team Rocket Fan

    Art Gallery Jabberwock's Avatar Gallery – Taking Requests

    That's awesome!! Thank you so much!! Keep up the great work!
  12. Team Rocket Fan

    Curious of what game to Nuzlocke...

    Curious of what game to Nuzlocke...
  13. Team Rocket Fan

    Art Gallery Jabberwock's Avatar Gallery – Taking Requests

    I'd love to see one with Persian! Can you do it!? The art would be from the HGSS card with white and ekrou () colours please? These stuff are awesome! Bravo! If you can't use that colour then yellow is fine with me! Thanx!
  14. Team Rocket Fan

    Do you think Pokemon Showcase will end up like Contests?

    I mean, we all know what happened in Sinnoh. First Dawn was a good beginner, Joey was a boss, Kenny was good and Jessilina was a joke. Then, Dawn was a boss, Joey was a boss, Kenny was good and Jessilina was good. Then 2 new coornidators appear. Ursula and Nando. Both are bosses. Finally...
  15. Team Rocket Fan

    Will Team Flare Appear?

    I hope so. They were pretty fun in the games.
  16. Team Rocket Fan

    Writing OS's Pokémon SoulSilver Scramble

    As the first pokemon I'd love to see you use Farfetch'd named Quacky! I don't think it's that useless. I mean with a Stick it can deal some damage and has a great movepool with Poison Jab, Night Slash, Brave Bird, Acrobatics, Swords Dance and is a good Flyer for you. Thanx! And I'm looking...
  17. Team Rocket Fan

    Worlds 2015 Sharpedo Distribution, Worlds Theme

    That Sharpedo looks great~
  18. Team Rocket Fan

    ORAS Alpha Sapphire Cartridge Corrupted...

    I just wish you will be lucky cause you have too many shinies and I suppose you also have many legendaries too.
  19. Team Rocket Fan

    Speculation Theory: Next Pokemon Video Game being announced during Worlds opening ceremony?

    I think CoroCoro will give us further information for any new game, but still they may say something little about it in the Worlds too.