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  1. cole'a

    YanTileGar (Yanmega prime+giratina lv. x+vilegar) (any tourney)

    Yeah, seems like a few to many pokemon! A full vilegar setup has little space for any extras, and this is vilegar, with alot of extras thrown in. Having lots of 1 lines with your T/S/S might make it hard to draw what you want when you need it aswell. Like 2 spiritomb, when spiritomb is your...
  2. cole'a

    Vilegar (Gengar) states, masters

    Yeah, I thought it was abit of a hijack! But this is all still things he can use in his deck! But yer lol! Will leave it for him now! Sorry gallape! Hopefully you find the above usefull for your deck to!
  3. cole'a

    Blastoise UL/Feraligatr prime deck

    Pokemunkulys is right about taking out the expert belts, when you can snipe it dosent really mean crap. You can run them if you want! After all this is your deck and should be set for how you like to play. But also consider it without the belts! Most stuff on the bench will be lower then 100...
  4. cole'a

    Vilegar (Gengar) states, masters

    I like the way you think mate, I like it alot I actually have the slowking HS, Primeape and slowpoke/mankey so I think I will chuck thoes into my deck tonight after work and have a little play around see how it goes :)
  5. cole'a

    Vilegar (Gengar) states, masters

    Ahiro, dosent umbreon prevent all effects of attack including damage from pokemon with pokepower/bodys Which would mean since SF Gengar can't polter him due to fainting spell ?[hr] The primeape idea wouldn't be to bad, since his first attack only needs x2 double colorless, and does damaged...
  6. cole'a

    Vilegar (Gengar) states, masters

    Ok cool Thought that would be the case just wanted a pro opinion! Any ideas?
  7. cole'a

    Blastoise UL/Feraligatr prime deck

    Yeah, I ran blastgatr as my first deck, was so happy when I got the floatzel GL X line, it really really pisses people off when the take out blastoise. Then next turn its back, with all energys hahahaha :D Type in Blastoise Feraligator deck in youtube, A guy has added a video of his Blastoise...
  8. cole'a

    Vilegar (Gengar) states, masters

    @ AzZona, is gengar SF able to drop damage counters on the Umbreon? I know umbreon prevents all effects of attacks including dmg with it's first attack. But Are you able to drop DMG counters on it?
  9. cole'a

    Lots of 1st Ed. including 1st Ed. Dark Espeon, JPN cards too, everything must go!

    RE: H: 17x Smeargle, Gengar X, 10x Sableye, DCE and Call Energy, 5x Absol prime Is the list on original page up to date ? Nothing on there that is now sold ? If so ill get back to you in a little bit
  10. cole'a

    Tangrowth lock

    Consider droping in a twins aswell? I am guessing like you said, you want a spiritomb start. And most people leave out spiritomb as a sacrifical lamb so when it dies you can play twins to get two important cards to boost your setup? Maybe try droping a bebe's and a seekers for two twins...
  11. cole'a

    Vilegar (Gengar) states, masters

    Yeah thanks, I think I will definitly give it a try instead of Chatot G, like the idea I can leave it on my bench and every turn set up for another trainer draw (best case scenario) if not, atleast a supporter, and if none of thoes then just something they will find really pointless, could be a...
  12. cole'a

    Vilegar (Gengar) states, masters

    ^ yeah sorry OP said slowking UD which lets you look at top two cards of your deck, opponent picks one and you keep and other goes to bottom or something along thoes lines, thought it wasn't that great in this deck The slowking your talking about makes alot more sense :)
  13. cole'a

    Vilegar (Gengar) states, masters

    CHATOT G :D THANKYOU! hahaha thats the card I was thinking of, lolz polygon / porygon not even close!!! hahaha yeah, I might personally try adding in 1 of thoes and test out how that works Allthough it would be a serious waste of seekers having to scoop it back up everytime to lay it back...
  14. cole'a

    Vilegar (Gengar) states, masters

    Oh lolz my bad, was supposed to be +1 poke COLLECTOR in my post hahaha not communication! always get thoes two bastards mixed up That's why I add only 2 call, as 4 call, + 3 poke collector for me personally is abit to much basic draw power, leaves room to add in rescue / warp energy as...
  15. cole'a

    Blastoise UL/Feraligatr prime deck

    T/S/S: 30 3 Rare Candy 2 Pokèmon reversal ( I think i take out this line) 3 Switch 2 Expert Belt 1 Cynthia's Guidance 3 IQ 3 PETM 2 PONT 3 Bebe's Search 2 Pokemon Collector 3 BTS - 3 Emcee's Chatter (I personally find this card quite pointless and PONT +Uxie's with seeker will be...
  16. cole'a

    3 Lightning Deck Ideas

    I have nearly all the cards to make idea number 1 I just need to get my hands on 1 more spiritomb and 1 Luxray LA Will definitly test it out :) Love luxray but am not prepared to pay the crazy prices for the SP version
  17. cole'a

    My First Attempt: Umbreon/Scizor (Revised)

    ^ in regards to your last post Sableye would be more consistent, since it relys on whats in your DECK rather than your opponents HAND, most people will run the supporters you want, but they might not have it in there hand. But you know you can always grab what you need from your own deck
  18. cole'a

    Vilegar (Gengar) states, masters

    take out the 2 - 2 slowking line -2 rare candy (if your running full trainer lock, there is no point) That opens up 6 spots, I would add in +2 Call energy (It's like rolling double heads on dual balls each turn) +1 poke comm (help speed things up abit) +2 Mr Mime (CoL - Has poke power that...
  19. cole'a

    My First Attempt: Umbreon/Scizor (Revised)

    Hey, I have just built a scizor deck! Very similar list to yours This is what I use for draw power +4 Engineers adjustments (discard 1 energy draw 4 cards) +3 Burned Tower (Stadium - flip coin each turn if heads return basic energy from discard pile) They seem to work quite well togther...
  20. cole'a

    Grass Tank Ideas

    will look into the different cherrims you mentioned running, definitly sounds more boss then the ones I am using :D As for the fire weakness, you could run metapod if you wanted. I am lucky there is literally NO fire decks at all where I am (New Zealand) like there is NONE at all hahaha. I...