pokemon: 28
4-3-3-1 Gengar SFx2 CurseGar x1
2-2-2 vileplume UD
4 spirittomb
2-2 Slowking UD
1 Unkown Q
1 Uxie
1 Azelf
T/S/S: 19
2 Pokemon Collector
3 Lookers investigation
2 Rare Candy
3 Bebe's Search
2 Seeker
2 Copy Cat
Energy: 13
3 Rescue
3 Warp
7 Basic {P}
Alright so the point of the deck is to trainer lock with vileplume and use Gengar for decent-massive damage. Slowking is to help control their draws and once they have a bad hand, really nothing they can do. spirtomb helps trainer lock from the start and set up your vileplum/gengar/slowking lines.
so i need help. my set up is slower then it used to be and i dont know why, critisim is okay but dont just hate on vilegar. id like to use it at states but from the looks of things its not happing. HELP ME TURN THAT AROUND. thanks
4-3-3-1 Gengar SFx2 CurseGar x1
2-2-2 vileplume UD
4 spirittomb
2-2 Slowking UD
1 Unkown Q
1 Uxie
1 Azelf
T/S/S: 19
2 Pokemon Collector
3 Lookers investigation
2 Rare Candy
3 Bebe's Search
2 Seeker
2 Copy Cat
Energy: 13
3 Rescue
3 Warp
7 Basic {P}
Alright so the point of the deck is to trainer lock with vileplume and use Gengar for decent-massive damage. Slowking is to help control their draws and once they have a bad hand, really nothing they can do. spirtomb helps trainer lock from the start and set up your vileplum/gengar/slowking lines.
so i need help. my set up is slower then it used to be and i dont know why, critisim is okay but dont just hate on vilegar. id like to use it at states but from the looks of things its not happing. HELP ME TURN THAT AROUND. thanks