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Vilegar (Gengar) states, masters


I'm bored
pokemon: 28
4-3-3-1 Gengar SFx2 CurseGar x1
2-2-2 vileplume UD
4 spirittomb
2-2 Slowking UD
1 Unkown Q
1 Uxie
1 Azelf

T/S/S: 19
2 Pokemon Collector
3 Lookers investigation
2 Rare Candy
3 Bebe's Search
2 Seeker
2 Copy Cat

Energy: 13
3 Rescue
3 Warp
7 Basic {P}

Alright so the point of the deck is to trainer lock with vileplume and use Gengar for decent-massive damage. Slowking is to help control their draws and once they have a bad hand, really nothing they can do. spirtomb helps trainer lock from the start and set up your vileplum/gengar/slowking lines.

so i need help. my set up is slower then it used to be and i dont know why, critisim is okay but dont just hate on vilegar. id like to use it at states but from the looks of things its not happing. HELP ME TURN THAT AROUND. thanks
take out the 2 - 2 slowking line
-2 rare candy (if your running full trainer lock, there is no point)

That opens up 6 spots, I would add in +2 Call energy (It's like rolling double heads on dual balls each turn)
+1 poke comm (help speed things up abit)
+2 Mr Mime (CoL - Has poke power that lets you look @ opponents hand every turn before you attack)

And last spot I would chuck in either +1 Psych energy, or +1 PONT

Vilegar isn't supposed to be super fast, it's supposed to stall them and screw up there gameplan, giving you time to get out your plume, gengar, mime and then start building your second gengar.

That's how I run the deck anyway! Everyone has a different style, but that's the changes I would make
I agree with cole'a. Trainer lock decks are not fast (I played against a Tangrowth deck...) because they lock the opponent so you can build without problems.

I would do the same changes that cole'a said.
I pretty much agree with cole'a, but you want to add in 4 call, not 2. You either run 4 Call or none because if you don't start with one in your hand, they're just taking up space in your deck and they've lost more than half of their usefulness late game.

you contradict yourself. telling him to take out 2 rare candy but put in 1 poke comm under full trainer lock? to put a dead card into your deck?! even suggesting to max out on Bebe's would be a better idea

why 2 mime col? 1 is enough in the entire deck.
Run 2 warp, 4 rescue (you will need it)
Why not include crobat g's for OHKO on opponents' uxie while they are on the bench using shadow room so you don't waste any turns. proven to be effective.

I would at least run one more Uxie if you feel your setup is slow.

Also, -2 PONT, + Call energy (use as retreat cost, also crucial if you start with small amount of pokemon)
-1 Copycat, +1 Collector, you will need it. Do not need that many shuffle cards. Lookers is mostly used to shuffle yourself as smart opponents will choose to draw none against Gengar when you looker's them.
I'd take out

-1-1 slowking
-1 spiritomb
-2 candy


Id put in

+1 Uxie
+1 Twins
+2 Cyrus
+1 Collector
+2 Call Energy or max out your rescue and warp or whatever remember there's palmer's too.

changes are for consistency and to assure you get energy there's cyrus and cyrus can get you twins.
just my opinion.
tech in a fire poke for the ocasions that you see DGX. you never know when you'll see him...
^Meh. Gengar usually can Shadow Room DGX easily, and Gengar X can Level Down DGX, then try to get rid of Dialga G.
Oh lolz my bad, was supposed to be +1 poke COLLECTOR in my post hahaha not communication! always get thoes two bastards mixed up

That's why I add only 2 call, as 4 call, + 3 poke collector for me personally is abit to much basic draw power, leaves room to add in rescue / warp energy

as stated thou, this is purely the way I play the deck :) and im still pretty newb at it!!!

Sup melv....lol

Also just a brain fart, I know there is a card that lets you do it, possibly one of the polygon / porygon variants (am terrible with pokemon names) that lets you look at top 5 cards (i think) of your opponents deck an re-arrange them. Would this be worthwhile to add a tech line in for ? Re-arrange it so there is always trainers or supporters at top so he is always drawing extra damage ? Dunno how viable this is but had the idea...
I dunno if there's a progyon that can do that, but you have Chatot G or Slowking HS that can do the same thing... but yeah, that means adding more cards.
hahaha thats the card I was thinking of, lolz polygon / porygon not even close!!! hahaha yeah, I might personally try adding in 1 of thoes and test out how that works

Allthough it would be a serious waste of seekers having to scoop it back up everytime to lay it back down again D:
Hahaha, no prob :D

Chatot G's attack shuffles itself into the deck. You can bring it back with any search card (Y)
cole'a, please go to Pokebeach.com, click on LEGEND series cards, and take a look at the Pokepower of Slowking HS. This so sought-after card of yours, Chatot G? An SP-friendly version of a much better effect, pioneered by Slowking HS. The EXACT same effect and usefulness you describe, but MUCH more consistent and useful (Good for teh setups too! :D).

Anyway, Gengar have free retreat, and you run trainer lock. Also, Copycat is bad, ESPECIALLY when you run 2 Professor Oak's New Theory and 3 Looker's Investigation.
-2 Rare Candy
-3 Warp Energy
-1 Rescue Energy
-2 Copycat
+1 Pokemon Collector
+1 Seeker
+1 Cyrus' Conspiracy
+4 Call Energy
+1 Mr. Mime CL
^ yeah sorry OP said slowking UD which lets you look at top two cards of your deck, opponent picks one and you keep and other goes to bottom or something along thoes lines, thought it wasn't that great in this deck

The slowking your talking about makes alot more sense :)
The Slowking that you're talking about is the Slowking Prime, a bad copy of Uxie Lv. X, lol. HS Slowking (That it is also in Call of Legends...) is more consistent than Chatot G. Make some room, and add it to your decklist.
Yeah thanks, I think I will definitly give it a try instead of Chatot G, like the idea I can leave it on my bench and every turn set up for another trainer draw (best case scenario) if not, atleast a supporter, and if none of thoes then just something they will find really pointless, could be a good way to be annoying and keep energy away from them aswell, Turns out I have one in my "Trades" folder hahaha :D
@ AzZona, is gengar SF able to drop damage counters on the Umbreon? I know umbreon prevents all effects of attacks including dmg with it's first attack. But Are you able to drop DMG counters on it?
It's an effect of an attack... so no, you can't put damage counters on Umbreon.