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  1. cole'a

    GarGrowth (Any)

    Expert belt wouldn't hurt! some more health and damage for tangrowth :D
  2. cole'a

    Blastoise UL/Feraligatr Prime (Seniors, Any)

    ^ If you listen to this guy and get the floatzel GL X you can cut the rescue energys aswell The floatzel X, if it's in play (bench or active) whenever a water pokemon is knocked out, all cards attached to it (belts, energy, all evolutions) come back to your hand instead of discard. So if a...
  3. cole'a

    Life can be so unfair! - Bullying video

    Ok so its been confirmed that they are both suspended Still sounds like the big kid could be getting in more trouble. This situation isn't old, its happened in the last week or so. It's pretty safe to assume this isn't and isolated incident either, probably gets shit from these guys everyday...
  4. cole'a

    The Set Rotation Discussion Thread

    Lets just all be thankful that scizor prime is included in HGSS on worst case, break up all current decks and build scizor But I hope there is some SP, I haven't even got to use an SP deck yet, still trying to trade to get things (which are going to be rotated in a few months anyway YAY!)
  5. cole'a

    Worst Case Scenario

    Ok then worst case scenario this Draw 7 cards Horsea, kingdra prime, phanphy, donphan prime, rare candy, rare candy, uxie Bench, rare candy it all. Uxie for 7 you get all the energy required and a seeker they have an active basic with only 50hp and a benched unknown Q Worst case scenario?
  6. cole'a

    Life can be so unfair! - Bullying video

    RE: Life Can be so unfair! Yeah ^ summed up quite nicely there The little kid is really pushing it, the big kids like "HULK SLAM" literally picks the other kid up and slams his ass down I don't condone violence! But damn it feels awesome to watch the bully get wasted :D
  7. cole'a

    Life can be so unfair! - Bullying video

    Well, this isn't a gripe about my life! I have the day off work today, and was reading up on my second fav forums (pokebeach no.1!!!!) and I found this This is the video that created this group...
  8. cole'a

    Double Colourless Energy - Should it stay?

    @ Catutie Haha I currently have 2 decks setup for competitive play (no proxys, all legal, both decks 90% complete) This is my Luxray AR/LA deck and a vilegar Am currently trading to build a Dialgachomp (never owned or played an SP deck an I want one :p) But I only keep 2 playable...
  9. cole'a

    Electric Lock (Ampharos/Raichu) all advice appreciated!

    RE: Electric Lock (Raichu) Regionals. Pretty please help. Well I would take out both your emcee chatter, quite a wasted supporter, and flippy If you wanted a supporter with draw power you could use Engineers adjustments Discard 1 basic energy to draw 4 cards, and if you have something...
  10. cole'a

    Infernape E4 Lv. X

    Yeah, that was an after thought. Perhaps saying it was better was abit hasty! haha but it's definitly close match!
  11. cole'a

    GarGrowth (Any)

    yeah with the damage output tangrowth would be doing, i'd say droping a crobat wouldnt hurt to much And garchomp is going to be destroying any basic, pixie, any other lower HP poke left sitting on bench and by the time he dies and tangrowth comes out he should be knocking most things out...
  12. cole'a

    GarGrowth (Any)

    ^ tangrowth is the best part! Attach energy to chomp, use celebi to attach second energy, search for Q, retreat and garchomp C active then drop the X down dragon rush boom! keep doing this discarding the two energys then when the tangrowth goes active, level X down and all the energys you lost...
  13. cole'a

    Infernape E4 Lv. X

    Ignore my idea's and listen to this one ^ lol alot more consistent and stable, and would be a constant every turn damage. Also I didn't notice before because im a nob and should read your card scans properly. But Infernapes Roar is better than luxrays Brightlook. I mean they do the same thing...
  14. cole'a

    Shaymin Lv.X 126/127 VS. Espeon MD

    why not both :D +60hp haha but as stated above the main problem is getting shaymin out, level'd then back but if you have Q's or warp point, switch then thoes would work (although Q would be best as it's the only one that's searchable)
  15. cole'a

    Electric Lock (Ampharos/Raichu) all advice appreciated!

    RE: Electric Lock (Raichu) Regionals. A lot of help needed! Just an idea for your raichu Have you thought of Electivire FB X ? His power, E-recycle. Although your turn ends when you do it. It lets you pull 3 energys (not just basic energys)from discard an attach them to any pokemon when...
  16. cole'a

    Double Colourless Energy - Should it stay?

    Yeah well, not to de-rail the thread but thats pretty much why I pulled the deck apart! Once setup it was great :) easy picks off the bench anywhere (especially with a corbat G for thoes pesky 110hp X's) but like you all said, to slow to setup (and all my spiritombs are in my vilegar!) Oh...
  17. cole'a

    Infernape E4 Lv. X

    I like infernape, I have the non-X and am looking to trade / buy the X soon Like you said, you discard energys. But you don't take extra damage on your opponents next turn (like blaziken) so that lowers chances of a revenge KO. I guess it depends one the deck your using it in. Blaziken can do...
  18. cole'a

    Double Colourless Energy - Should it stay?

    I hope blastoise gets abit of a boost after our next rotation / set! I still have everything to make mine back up! Love blastoise. DCE has always been in the game for me, I played first when it originally came out, and since I got back into it recently HGSS was already out, and it was back so...
  19. cole'a

    9.0 Earthquake Strikes Japan

    RE: 8.9 Earthquake Strikes Japan Card Slinger J A+++ To your post's in this thread, epic even. It is terrible, I am from new zealand and we thought what happened to us recently was terrible, and then you see this happening and you can't help but have your heart go out to them. It really hits...
  20. cole'a

    Ruling Roserade UL

    Right so just a question about the lovely lady roserade :) The poke-power signal I have seen alot of talk of people using this with the leafeon that does dmg per status effect, which makes alot of sense! The only question I have is why when you attach rainbow energy to roserade do you get...