first, here's a scan for all of you:
I recently traded a friend of mine for this card. I am looking to maybe use it in some kind of deck (that's generally what you do when you trade for cards, right? You play them?), but I'm not sure what to play it with. I don't know whether it goes in as a main attacker, a tech, or both. I know it's generally seen as being outclassed by Blaziken FB LV. X in this format, but there are a few things I like about it over Blaziken.
1) Free Retreat (yeah unown Q, but then you don't get to drop Energy Gain on Blaziken.)
2) It hits for 100 Damage instead of 80. That actually OHKO's lots of things in today's format: Palkia G, Promocroak without any help, and with a Flash Bite or two, it can take out Luxray GL LV. X, Blaziken FB LV. X, and Gengar SF in one hit.
3) The drawback is discarding energies rather than hitting for extra damage. With 110 HP, it is fairly hard to OHKO Infernape without a Machamp in your deck, Whereas Blaziken, you would only have to hit for 70 damage with the drawback on Jet Shoot.
Just want to see what you guys could come up with. I don't care if the idea is rogue or meta, or if Infernape is an attacker or a tech, just as long as it works. The only idea I do not want to see posted in here is Infernape/Luxray. Yes, I am aware that deck works. If I had a Luxray, I wouldn't need to make this thread, now would I?
Just Let me know what you gusy think. Thanks!
I recently traded a friend of mine for this card. I am looking to maybe use it in some kind of deck (that's generally what you do when you trade for cards, right? You play them?), but I'm not sure what to play it with. I don't know whether it goes in as a main attacker, a tech, or both. I know it's generally seen as being outclassed by Blaziken FB LV. X in this format, but there are a few things I like about it over Blaziken.
1) Free Retreat (yeah unown Q, but then you don't get to drop Energy Gain on Blaziken.)
2) It hits for 100 Damage instead of 80. That actually OHKO's lots of things in today's format: Palkia G, Promocroak without any help, and with a Flash Bite or two, it can take out Luxray GL LV. X, Blaziken FB LV. X, and Gengar SF in one hit.
3) The drawback is discarding energies rather than hitting for extra damage. With 110 HP, it is fairly hard to OHKO Infernape without a Machamp in your deck, Whereas Blaziken, you would only have to hit for 70 damage with the drawback on Jet Shoot.
Just want to see what you guys could come up with. I don't care if the idea is rogue or meta, or if Infernape is an attacker or a tech, just as long as it works. The only idea I do not want to see posted in here is Infernape/Luxray. Yes, I am aware that deck works. If I had a Luxray, I wouldn't need to make this thread, now would I?