Infernape E4 Lv. X

One Approved

Advanced Member
first, here's a scan for all of you:

I recently traded a friend of mine for this card. I am looking to maybe use it in some kind of deck (that's generally what you do when you trade for cards, right? You play them?), but I'm not sure what to play it with. I don't know whether it goes in as a main attacker, a tech, or both. I know it's generally seen as being outclassed by Blaziken FB LV. X in this format, but there are a few things I like about it over Blaziken.

1) Free Retreat (yeah unown Q, but then you don't get to drop Energy Gain on Blaziken.)
2) It hits for 100 Damage instead of 80. That actually OHKO's lots of things in today's format: Palkia G, Promocroak without any help, and with a Flash Bite or two, it can take out Luxray GL LV. X, Blaziken FB LV. X, and Gengar SF in one hit.
3) The drawback is discarding energies rather than hitting for extra damage. With 110 HP, it is fairly hard to OHKO Infernape without a Machamp in your deck, Whereas Blaziken, you would only have to hit for 70 damage with the drawback on Jet Shoot.

Just want to see what you guys could come up with. I don't care if the idea is rogue or meta, or if Infernape is an attacker or a tech, just as long as it works. The only idea I do not want to see posted in here is Infernape/Luxray. Yes, I am aware that deck works. If I had a Luxray, I wouldn't need to make this thread, now would I? :p Just Let me know what you gusy think. Thanks!
I like infernape, I have the non-X and am looking to trade / buy the X soon
Like you said, you discard energys. But you don't take extra damage on your opponents next turn (like blaziken) so that lowers chances of a revenge KO. I guess it depends one the deck your using it in. Blaziken can do 120 dmg aswell (first skill of non-level X drags them active and burns, then level X's attack gets +40 for burn) I quite like this card anyway

It has a power which is pretty much same as luxrays lol and a 2x fire for 100 (with e-gain) then discard. If you put this in the right deck with the right energy refresh it could be very annoying (Electivire FB X would help, get all the fire energys back and if you couple this guy with garchomp C you can get all the double colorless back with electiv aswell)

Just my ideas :D
I am not meta game pro lol
hmmmm typhlosion prime might work WAIT typlosion prime attach all energies are gone right. them when infernape is low on health just blissey prime and you lose no energy... then attach typlosion prime and start the process all over again
How about Heatran LV.X to return the discarded energy? You could get a consistent 100 damage going if you run a 2-2 line. Get the SP Engine going, you could add Garchomp C X, and then of course Crobat G to get the magic 110. I think it could work.
Ignore my idea's and listen to this one ^ lol
alot more consistent and stable, and would be a constant every turn damage. Also I didn't notice before because im a nob and should read your card scans properly. But Infernapes Roar is better than luxrays Brightlook. I mean they do the same thing. Although you cant pick what pokemon is draged up. You can do it once EVERY turn without the condition of having to level up the infernape. While leveling up luxray might not be that hard. It still needs the use of a trainer which could be better put to use later in the game!

Damn, I want my ape LVL X
I would suggest CharPhlosion, I am using it in the states and I have a 1-1 line of it.If you would like to use it, Look in the deck garage.
I use this in my vilepluff (vileplume UD and jumpluff HGSS) as a tech for switching my opponent's pokemon around so jumpluff can K.O. whatever my opponent has. Its basicly a poor man's luxray :p
cole'a said:
But Infernapes Roar is better than luxrays Brightlook.
cole'a said:
I mean they do the same thing. Although you cant pick what pokemon is draged up.
The second one is why it's not better than the first one, for the same reason Gust of Wind is better than Pokémon Circulator.
Yeah, that was an after thought. Perhaps saying it was better was abit hasty! haha but it's definitly close match!
Use it with Heatran. I used it at Regionals. I would have done much better, but
didn't have Warp Point or Switch or Warp Energy. But, ya, use Level Max (really helped me). SP Engine too.
Heatran could be used, although it would be a bit slow to get out. Typhlosion's worth a shot, I suppose. With an SP Engine, it should be a bit fastger.

Anybody got any ideas more oriented towards SP pokemon?
Well, if you can, you could always build LuxApe. It was a hot deck before if you want an SP build.

Otherwise, it worked fine for me in my Machamp build, and I heard it did good in Bennett's Gyarados for a bit.
Why not wait until Black and White comes out, and tech in a Tepig line? Fire Rain Dance and Fisherman would help things run smoothly, and you don't have to worry about another level X.

Just a thought.
^sp is all about quick so adding a stage 2 will hinder it for not much of a pay off
I would say no to Emboar. With SP, you're not already running BTS/Rare Candy, so unless you want to wait an extra turn or two (and take up more space either way), it's not worth it. The Level X isn't so bad if you have Level Max or a way to get it back to the bench, and of course, the Heatran line can be more easily searched out by an SP Engine, already running a great number of Collectors and not having to add in more Bebe's/Communication for an Emboar line to work.
Agreed on Heatran if you're building a deck specifically around Infernape 4 (or other double discard attackers like Reshiram). Otherwise...don't bother, or use Typhlosion Prime to accelerate instead, as it helps even if you're not discarding to attacks (Ninetales will be discarding energies anyway). Ninetales UL is another option, though it's iffy at best and more suited to peasant/teaching decks.
Ape with Champ.

Use SF Machamp to take out targets your opponent drags up from Ape X's power. If they drag up something that can't be taken out, Ape swings for 100 (or 110) with a flash bite and you KO their built up attacker. Deck is nasty.