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  1. priestkalim

    (1) 'Freeze Bolt' and 'Cold Flare' Scans, Translations Coming Soon! [7/11]

    Get one OHKO, never kill anything else again because you locked yourself out of Amoonguss, that Raticate dies next turn, they OHKO Raticates faster than you can 2HKO things with your 3-cost attacker that cannot ever OHKO. Garbodor does not work with Amoonguss.
  2. priestkalim

    1st Year Master Rogue BR Deck BW-ON Gothitelle

    It shouldn't matter much, my post was mainly about making the deck more consistent, but it's always best to have the best Basic/Stage 1s, even if you're not planning to attack with them. Never know what you'll run into one day where you might need it.
  3. priestkalim

    Quad Landorus EX

    Oh, in that regard, there's a lot. The thing about 1 for 1 exchanging with Empoleons is that they attack for 1 energy while usually you'll be attacking for 2-3. Tornadus would be an excellent Empoleon/Terrakion check for Landorus-EX to use, but the energy exchange destroys it.
  4. priestkalim

    (1) 'Freeze Bolt' and 'Cold Flare' Scans, Translations Coming Soon! [7/11]

    We're at 5 Ducklett and 4 Swannas and not a single one is usable. All I want is a reason to use my small, blue duck friend. Is that so much to ask?
  5. priestkalim

    Klinklang EX BW-on

    RRec-ing for a Juniper is at least eight times better an option than playing a Cheren in nearly every situation. RRec is better. If you really do find you need more draw, which is debatable, more Junipers is the best option. I don't know why so many people are afraid of 4 Juniper. I still don't...
  6. priestkalim

    Possible Future Deck

    Exactly my point, the consistency cards are just better. I'm not knocking your lists at all, quite the opposite. I'm fairly in love with the first one and will start there when I go to test this closer to BW6's English release.
  7. priestkalim

    Quad Landorus EX

    It might be different since Empoleon only has 140 HP, but I tried a LOT of different Lightning techs in Fighting.dec to give me something to hit Tornadus EX didn't really work, the best option was Zekrom EX with a Pluspower on a coin flip. Blend WLFM might help a bit though...
  8. priestkalim

    Quad Landorus EX

    I disagree, I say the way this deck would work best is with 4 Pluspower so Earth Judgment OHKOs Darkrai without the energy dump. He really really needed that Earth Judgment to do 180 after the boost. An OHKO on everything in the game besides Wailord would be worth the 3 energy dump. As he is...
  9. priestkalim

    Possible Future Deck

    Your list plays no Cilan. To be honest, I like the look of the old list better, but you're the one testing it so I assume this worked better for you.
  10. priestkalim

    1st Year Master Rogue BR Deck BW-ON Gothitelle

    Deleting Glare.
  11. priestkalim

    Possible Future Deck

    I suppose...I'm not sold though. I'm likely to hit an energy + Retrieval + 5 other cards with Juniper if I'm running 4 Retrieval.
  12. priestkalim

    Possible Future Deck

    I'd still rather just Juniper and see an energy or two anyway.
  13. priestkalim

    1st Year Master Rogue BR Deck BW-ON Gothitelle

    I didn't say Gothitelle, I understand the goal of the deck and support it. I said Gothorita. And then mentioned energy denial. R.I.P. Sharpedo/Slowking.
  14. priestkalim

    Possible Future Deck

    Streaming Keldeo seems way more effective, just the consistency of it. As for the former deck, Lapras is outclassed by Emolga DRE at everything except surviving a T1 Darkrai donk, but with the build as it is odds are substantially low you'll open with Lapras/Emolga anyway. Cilan's a really bad...
  15. priestkalim

    1st Year Master Rogue BR Deck BW-ON Gothitelle

    This. Consistency is key. For a Stage 2 deck I might even change the Bianca/RRec lines around to hit Juniper more often. And this is minor, but Gothorita EPO is probably still better than Gothorita DRE. Energy denial is hot, yo.
  16. priestkalim

    What is the play for Worlds?

    This is a bit late, but Quadlions runs 2 Mewtwo as staple. Quadbird (Ho-oh EX) does the same.
  17. priestkalim

    TCG Theorymon Exercises - Week 12

    See, Gabite is good because it evolves into a usable thing too. Ivysaur with this ability would be for all decks what Sunflora was for Grass decks. Good, but not ridiculously broken. Searching one Pokemon a turn at best relieves the stress of the Supporter lines. 2 is the worst possible number...
  18. priestkalim

    Klinklang EX BW-on

    If you insist. I see it dying and the energy loss killing you though.
  19. priestkalim

    What is the play for Worlds?

    I suppose you're right. I was never devastated by Hammertime with Lions, but I can see it happening. I guess the answer would be test it more :/
  20. priestkalim

    Klinklang EX BW-on

    I dunno, that still seems risky at best. Other than Darkrai decks, 130 is a pretty easy number to hit. That's why Gothitelle died. (inb4 Mewtwo, even without Psychic weakness Mewtwo hits 130 easy.)