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1st Year Master Rogue BR Deck BW-ON Gothitelle

Your Master

Aspiring Trainer
This is my first year of masters and Im planning on being really competitive but for battle roads I want to use a fun deck rather than my Darkrai Hydreigon deck. Here it is

4-2-4 Gothitelle All DRE
2 Fliptini
1 Sigilyph

4 Candy
2 Random Reciever
3 Catcher
3 Switch
4 Level Ball
3 Ultra Ball
3 Communications
2 Cheren
4 Bianca
2 Juniper
3 N
2 Super Rod


Ideal Start

Gothita – Psychic – HP50
Basic Pokemon

[P] Future Sight: Look at the top 5 cards of your deck, then return them to the top of your deck in any order.

Weakness: Psychic (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Main Attacker

Gothitelle – Psychic – HP130
Stage 2- Evolves from Gothorita

[P][C] Death Sentence: Flip 2 coins. If both of them are heads, the Defending Pokemon is Knocked Out.
[P][C][C] Black Magic: 40+ damage. Does 20 more damage for each of your opponent’s Benched Pokemon.

Weakness: Psychic (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 2

Stall/Mewtwo Counter

Sigilyph – Psychic – HP90
Basic Pokemon

Ability: Safeguard
Prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to Sigilyph by your opponent’s Pokemon-EX.

[P][C][C] Psychic: 50+ damage. Does 10 more damage for each Energy card attached to the Defending Pokemon.

Weakness: Psychic (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Strategy: The idea is to get out gothitelle and victini and just death sentence away at everything. If they have an EX out catcher it up and try to get the free 2 prizes. With Fliptini you have a 43.75% chance of an auto knockout. Also, Gothitelle can usually take a hit without being koed and by the time it is you should have at least one more ready. Im thinking of losing tool scrapper and bumping up the ultra ball. Also I usually dont have anything to communicate away which kills me. All advice is appreciated.
If you want to be competitive in masters, don't try to win by using coinflips. Winning by your own skill, is more important that coinflips. You live, and die by the coinflip. Your deckbuilding skills are decent, but for BW-On, 4 catcher is a must. A normal draw engine should look like this:

4 Juniper
4 N
3 Bianca
2 Random Receiver

Here's how my trainer lines generally look like for stage 2 decks.

4 Candy
4 Search Card
4 Catcher
4 Juniper
4 N
3 Bianca
2 Receiver

But also don't forget your necessities for the archetype. Dark Patch for Hyregon, and Emolga for Garchomp etc.
I like the deck idea, but 43% seems a bit high.
Given that there are 4 possible outcomes to a given flip (2 heads, 1-1 (twice), and 2 tails), that means you have a 25% chance on the first flip. Obviously, you wouldn't reflip for the 2 heads, so that only leaves you with 3 instances of a reflip. As such, we can chart it as so:
0-0 (2 heads)=End result 1
0-X (1 heads, reflip)
X-0 (1 heads, reflip)
X-X (1 heads, reflip)

That leaves us with 13 different end results, of which only 4 are favorable. As such, the odds of successfully flipping are 4/13, or about 30.769%.

Given this, I don't think Gothitelle is gonna be your best bet. If you want to go flippy, try to use something that gives you something even on 1 heads (such as Vanilluxe).
@cannonballkuriboh It has been calculated by many people when sharpedo was out with fliptini and it is a 43.75% chance look at the deck out

@zangoose I used a very similar tss but I changed it around a bit becuase i hated having to discard my stuff with juniper but ill do some more testing becuz it obviously needs some more tweaking

Also this is by no means meant to be a super competitive deck it is mearly a fun deck for me to play at brs until the new tins are released so I can get some cheap darkrais
Is there any way that the list can be changed so I have a consistent gothitelle after one is koed becuz I'm tempted to put In another suPer rod becuz I always need more
Zangoose said:
4 Juniper
4 N
3 Bianca
2 Random Receiver

This. Consistency is key. For a Stage 2 deck I might even change the Bianca/RRec lines around to hit Juniper more often.

And this is minor, but Gothorita EPO is probably still better than Gothorita DRE. Energy denial is hot, yo.
Thanx I'll do some more testing with it and this deck is just a fund gimmicky deck and this seemed like one of the mOst fun flippy decks I've ever played and the whole strategy would be changed with epo gothitelle plus it is funny seeing the reaction on peoples face
I didn't say Gothitelle, I understand the goal of the deck and support it. I said Gothorita. And then mentioned energy denial.

R.I.P. Sharpedo/Slowking.
It shouldn't matter much, my post was mainly about making the deck more consistent, but it's always best to have the best Basic/Stage 1s, even if you're not planning to attack with them. Never know what you'll run into one day where you might need it.
Well, after testing at league I decided f this becuz i am very unlucky and im just buyin a box and having my bro go to pr with me so we can build me a garchomp altaria