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  1. Jdbeardsmith

    Game Freak Issues Statement on Massive Data Breach; Terabytes of Internal Pokemon Content Leaked

    This is all too wild - but there is so much info pouring out that its likely people are and will slip more fake things in with all the legitimate leaks and the waters are very muddy rn - I actually feel very sorry for gamefreak as this scramble will certainly not HELP their production timelines...
  2. Jdbeardsmith

    “Prismatic Evolution” Special Set Releasing in January Featuring the Eeveelutions!

    Maybe a weird ask/demand but I would reallllllly like them to maybe give us the Tera Typings we have not even have had yet as cards - no poison or flying Tera AT ALL yet and no rock type other than ogerpon who doesn’t wear the rock hat - you would think they would showcase each of these “hat...
  3. Jdbeardsmith

    Chien-Pao, Gastrodon, Cofagrigus, Maushold from “Supercharged Breaker!”

    Why haven’t they released the Full Art of him before the SIR?? We will certainly get one - I feel like thy usually release lower rarity first 🤷‍♂️ Anywho - I am already upset that I won’t pull any of these beauties a-La Paradox and Paldea Evolved- these BIGG sets just never seem deliver the...
  4. Jdbeardsmith

    All Nine of 2024’s Connected Art Cards, Drawn by Teeziro!

    Spheal is absolutely confirmed- everything else is speculation until we see it!
  5. Jdbeardsmith

    All Nine of 2024’s Connected Art Cards, Drawn by Teeziro!

    Similarly it was the wind that sealed the deal for me but that dudunsparce with the weird “pockets” on each side of the frame had me like….hmmmmm…🤔
  6. Jdbeardsmith

    All Nine of 2024’s Connected Art Cards, Drawn by Teeziro!

    I was so LIT when I discovered this independently only because i keep subsets of nearly 20 artists in separate binders and when the Togetic dropped I was like WAIT A SEC - this, if it continues as a yearly trend, is GOATed for mini collections 😊
  7. Jdbeardsmith

    Scovillain ex, Lake Guardians, Clemont, and More Illustration Rares Revealed from “Supercharged Breaker!”

    I’m sure the texture of the Pikachu is what’ll really make it impressive
  8. Jdbeardsmith

    Long-Lost “Jirachi V Box” Now Available in the U.S.!

    Have one in-hand - it is the more classic pixel cosmos 👍👍
  9. Jdbeardsmith

    Alolan Dugtrio from Supercharged Breaker

    It absolutely will not be happening …but imagine if they made this part of a 3 panel connected art of some of the Alolan type in the style of the southern island cards and then also made a alolan marowak spinning fire on the beach and a Alolan raichu surfing !!
  10. Jdbeardsmith

    Pecharunt, Eternatus from Supercharged Breaker

    OH YES. Completely forgot I had to eliminated the therian forms from my full “reverse holo Pokédex” along with a number of Furfrou and Vivillion forms that have yet to make it…. and SV era just forced me to move over 400 cards forward since they FINALLY printed all the Deerling and Sawsbuck...
  11. Jdbeardsmith

    Pecharunt, Eternatus from Supercharged Breaker

    I have the issue where I have a Full Pokédex but only of Reverse Holos - and radiants which Eternatus has “count” to me since the card is the holo portion…. But now I don’t have a Pecharunt in Reverse Holo available since we got this one already as a promo but I’m sure we’ll get hydrapple soon 🤞 😭😭
  12. Jdbeardsmith

    Long-Lost “Jirachi V Box” Now Available in the U.S.!

    Should be Cosmos holo 🤞🤞 here’s praying!
  13. Jdbeardsmith

    Tera Hydreigon ex, Tera Tatsugiri ex, Milotic ex, Jasmine, and More from “Supercharged Breaker!”

    OH! thank you for putting this together 😎😎😎 can’t wait to see who will fill the last spot!
  14. Jdbeardsmith

    Tera Hydreigon ex, Tera Tatsugiri ex, Milotic ex, Jasmine, and More from “Supercharged Breaker!”

    OH COOOL ! Togetic here by Teeziro is another piece of their current puzzle/combo image - connects with the Watrell from TWM and the Passimian + vibrava from Paradise dragona 👀👀 Looked up more and it also connects with SCR - Slowpoke TWM - Torkal TEF - dudunsparce SFA - Golbat
  15. Jdbeardsmith

    Pikachu Worlds Promo Releasing Without Stamp!

    Curious on how much it cost for the variant if you’ll share 🧐
  16. Jdbeardsmith

    All “Stellar Crown” English Cards Revealed!

    Really wish they had kept up the style of the Crown Zenith Golds with SIR/Alt arts on golds — these Stellar in particular just do not seem to match nicely with the rainbows - the Full arts/UR look fantastic with the rainbows however - so we’re almost all the way there but it just doesn’t make...
  17. Jdbeardsmith

    First Ever “7-Eleven” English Promo Releasing: Lapras!

    They often shelve the product as it comes in on shipments - they always put it out on Thursday’s at my local store as well 👍👍
  18. Jdbeardsmith

    First Ever “7-Eleven” English Promo Releasing: Lapras!

    My lord do I NEED that card 😍
  19. Jdbeardsmith

    Elite Trainer Box Promos Now Packaged with Card Dividers

    As someone who has gotten regular ETBs with 2 promos from target instead of one this bums me out - but I always wondered why they didn’t just seal them to the front of the “energy brick” like Build and battle decks / trainer toolkits etc