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  1. D

    Pokemon The pokemon MMO discussion thread

    I have to disagree with this, MMOs can still be fun without knowing someone who plays it IRL. Besides, WoW, is a great game, you just have to get past level 10 to know what the actual endgame content and fun leveling system are like. A Pokemon MMO would be great, and if one came out it most...
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    Gyarados - With a Twist!

    Yeah, I was thinking about that. I playtested it against my own Vilegar and I started to run out of Gyarados, so I will probably revise the list a little bit. And yes, I do enjoy rock and metal, it is great to see more people liking more than shallow rap/pop. Idk how Lady Gaga and Ke$ha even...
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    Vilegar Build - Top Cut @ Oconomowoc States

    Not really interested in running Blissey... and if this is your theory every Vilegar should run Blissey? Not really logical, though I appreciate everyone's help, unless there is something I REALLY need, then I will just keep this current list.
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    Vilegar Build - Top Cut @ Oconomowoc States

    I appreciate your ideas, but Smeargle has a lot more utility than Jirachi, and I need to run 4 Spiritombs and at least 2 Qs. Also, weakness is hardly a problem for this deck, and these really seem like rogue ideas. Also, Spiritomb is my starter - not Smeargle. He's in there if I have a crap hand...
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    Inflosion (Infernape/Typhlosion)

    Alright, sorry about calling you a newbie... Just gave off the signs that you were new to the metagame by your list ;) Since your deck is heavy and dependant on energy, Ninetales is a good idea, it just makes the deck speedier. I do like the list, though, although it's not even close to...
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    Vilegar Build - Top Cut @ Oconomowoc States

    I have the Lv. X... look at the decklist, please, before posting. The Lv. X was prized when I was playing the DGX deck in top cut. The Cyrus help, but I'm thinking of putting in something more useful. At this point, I don't know what I could implement in.
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    Vilegar Decklist

    If you're going to have a constant trainer lock as is passive of Vilegar drop the Junk Arm, Communication, and Belt. Belt does only slightly more damage and hurts you in the long run.
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    Cubone/ shuppet thingy

    RE: Really cute (but weird) idea! I'm sorry, but did you just say that this deck was cute? lol. Not a bad idea though, a rogue deck to be sure. I like the idea, but it could probably be tweaked to fit the metagame more.
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    Gyarados (seniors, any)

    I guess that's your choice... But I tend to like Communication. Otherwise, the deck looks fine.
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    Gyarados (seniors, any)

    -1 SSU +1 Communication SSU are flippy and Communication are a must.
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    Vilegar Build - Top Cut @ Oconomowoc States

    *Bump* is this deck pretty much as good as it's going to get, or should I make any more changes? I've won most league matches, but not many people at my league are very good.
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    Inflosion (Infernape/Typhlosion)

    My advice: play some Blissey. Since you won't have energy attached to you at all times, use Blissey Prime in preference to Moo-Moo Milk... or Spiritomb. Assuming they're AR Spiritomb, why are they even there? Trainer Lock doesn't work for this deck, you use trainers... Also, try to fit in basic...
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    Vilegar Build - Top Cut @ Oconomowoc States

    Lol, thanks, it didn't do too hot against DGX in Top Cut though D:< Oh well, maybe next time
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    I pulled something cool from a booster pack!

    RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic. I just pulled two Gengar Primes from two packs I bought :D
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    Vilegar Build - Top Cut @ Oconomowoc States

    Hm... I can't really see Darkrai/Cresselia Legend being a good tech... But I guess you would have to play it to find out. I'm sure it's not THAT bad. But thanks, anyways.
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    Art Gallery Avatars and Art v.2. [Xerneas and Yveltal Avatars Added in Latest Post]

    RE: Avatars and Art v.2. Read the rules. Terrakion v.2, Golurk v.1 & 2, Emboar v.2 added. I'll be using the Dialga v.1 art, thanks a lot! Looks very cool.
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    Vilegar Build - Top Cut @ Oconomowoc States

    @ glaceon: Not very commonly used card. Solar Suggestion allows you to take 4 damage counters (or less) from one your Pokemon and place them on the opponent's Pokemon any way you like. @ Amt: Changes were done... thanks :) @ ogeray: Thanks...? Is that a good thing? Haha.
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    Gyarados - With a Twist!

    Pokemon 4-2 Gyarados (CoL, SF) 1-1 Dialga G (PL, PL) 2 Uxie (LA) 1 Mesprit (LA) 4 Sableye (SF) 1 Regice (LA) 1 Unown Q (MD) T/S/S 2 Dual Ball 1 Luxury Ball 2 Expert Belt 2 Judge 1 BTS 1 Looker's Investigation 1 Copycat 1 Palmer's Contribution 2 Pokemon Collector 3 Bebe'a Search...
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    Vilegar Build - Top Cut @ Oconomowoc States

    That's okay, it's in N Wisconsin, about an hour away from Madison. @drewdwn: It is pretty tasty, lol. Very nice tech, it's won me more than a couple games. It's a good tech in most any deck, though, if played to it's advantage. Made a change - it was only 59 cards! Added in a Spooky...
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    moving scizor

    Thanks, -1 Communication -1 Junk Arm +2 Twins Having one of each of those is inconsistent and pretty pointless. Unless you can drop 4 PCs or 2-3 JAs I would suggest adding twins, very useful card.