Well, that's every Vivillon now except Monsoon.. does anybody have one to spare or, if there is a chance, know anybody that is offering one? I'd love to finish my collection today, that would delight me so much!
I have an Icy Snow scatterbug from Squinish last night if you'd like that? :D I'm just in need of Monsoon if you have one? If not, I can just toss you one for a junker pokemon. :3
Alrighty, and thank you so much for the help! I just need Sun and Monsoon now. <3 And! Thank you again also for returning my baby eevees <3 I'm gonna evolve them now. :3
Ooooh, that's so adorable! ;w; I should do one like that with my Espurr babs. Also, thank you a ton! Do you have any fully evolved Icysnow so I can toss it in with the others I have that are fully grown of other patterns? o3o
No worries, I already had a Pidgeotto with Pokerus... which I spread to a vulpix baby for my friend on accident and he made a plague over Wonder Trade >.>;;
No prob on the junk pokemon, also Continental is my native xD I think... I bred a Vivillon at the daycare and it gave me a High Plains, but I'm in Colorado, so... it's weird. >>; But yeah, I have a ton x3