Search results

  1. ProfessorK

    Fairy Garden (Xerneas EX / Aromatisse / Slurpuff)

    This looks like one of the most solid decks currently available to Fairy types! I would add a bit more draw support though. I like that you added that it's not a tier 1 deck, but with a more powerful attacker and a little better walling, it could be much better in time!
  2. ProfessorK

    I'll be playing a couple different ones soon. Donphan/Trevenent and Pyroar/Seismitoad are high...

    I'll be playing a couple different ones soon. Donphan/Trevenent and Pyroar/Seismitoad are high up on my list right now
  3. ProfessorK

    "Pesadelo Prism" 2.0 (Mewtwo EX / Yveltal EX / Pyroar)

    I would drop 1 Mewtwo. I also tend to feel Terrakion is no longer needed due to lack of useful Fighting weak Pokemon in this current meta unless you're using him to take advantage of Strong energy and such. Because of that I would change the 4 Rainbow to 4 Fire and possibly add 1 Seismitoad EX...
  4. ProfessorK

    Super Safeguard (Suicune / Sigilyph / Donphan)

    I would say this deck has a really good start with your list but I would add a 4th Donphan and it needs at least one big Basic to act as a wall if need be. I think there's a better option besides Raichu as a partner as well especially with only 2 DCE. You have a good idea for sure, but It needs...
  5. ProfessorK

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello Pokemon Fans! I am Professor K from The Pokemon Evolutionaries on YouTube and I am a registered Pokemon Professor who has been a part of the game since 1998! I have been looking to PokeBeach for a very long time for info, news, and all kinds of relevent Pokemon material, but I was only...