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  1. M

    Swampert / Primal Kyogre EX / Slurpuff

    I had a similar idea, but I ditched it. I'm not saying it won't work, but it could possibly be inconsistent or hard to set up. You could remove 2 Swamperts or 1 and maybe replace the Marshtomps with Rare Candy. Also be aware that Silent Lab is a thing which can make Keldeo useless until a...
  2. M

    Gallade / Gardevoir

    Thank you very much, I managed to replace a rare candy with Dimension valley. I removed a Professor Juniper and added a Shauna for the lack of consistency. For the Enhance hammers though I know my friends decks rely heavily on those special energies. So I like to stall before I get knocked out...
  3. M

    Gallade / Gardevoir

    I like your idea, although since Enhance Hammers, Tool scrappers, and item lock are its biggest weakness My goal is make the deck competitive for an upcoming friendly tournament. Since I only have one copy of M-Gengar EX and Gengar-EX. I would like to know if you can find an alternate...
  4. M

    Gallade / Gardevoir

    Gallade / Gardevoir Psychic Deck Pokemon: 4 Ralts PLS 1 Kirlia LTR 2 Gardevoir NXD 2 Gallade PLS 1 Mewtwo EX 1 Gengar EX 1 M Gengar EX 2 Sigilyph LTR 14 cards total Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 4 Rare Candy 1 Startling Megaphone 2 Evosoda 4 Enhanced Hammer 3 VS Seeker...