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  1. D

    Will SSB4 be created?

    I actually hope that there is no Super Smash Bros 4 cause Brawl was not actually good. The picture was good but not the whole game. It was too easy to beat.
  2. D

    The Official Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky Thread

    RE: The Official Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time / Darkness Thread How do you do the missions for Mewtwo and Celebi that are posted on
  3. D

    Jessie and James never learn.

    Did you ever notice that their new motto is a lot longer than the original one. I mean, I understand that the old motto got annoying, but I'd rather listen to the old 30 second motto than the new 1 minute motto. It just wastes the time for the show.