Will SSB4 be created?

[attachment=4157][attachment=4158][attachment=4159][attachment=4160]I dont have to buy the original samsh bros. most people would rather buy it than vc it.but thats my thought on it ,but i wonder how many chars would be in #4...and who would they add?P.s plz keep this post alive.thnx in advnce.


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Last Super Smash Bros. Ever. We don't need another one until they can make a decent stage creator and a better story mode that I don't try to beat in 1 day to get all of the characters.
They crammed everything in Brawl. With the stage builder AND Wi-Fi ability means this is the last game. Nintendo Power stated in so many words that it is 3rd and final game of the series and it will keep fans of the series coming back for more.:)
The stagebuilder is so very incomplete...

It all depends on Sakurai, really. And he left Nintendo because he felt like all he was doing was making sequels. Making YET ANOTHER smash game would make him seem kinda silly, wouldn't it?
It may seem as though this is the last Smash game, but I will be working with Nintendo and Hal Lab. I will make sure there is a fouth Smash Bros. for the next Nintendo platform.
If there is, I'd like to see AS CHARACTERS (SOme are already trophies):

Midnight (Kirby)
Isaac (Golden Sun)
Megaman (Obvious)
Knuckles (Sonic)
Tidus (Final Fantasy)
Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Same as xxashxx.I get Nintendo Power and it said it was the last one.
I also heard darkrai was a pokeball person but was then taken out after the E3 event.
The Nintendo Power said that "they might" make another game to the Smash bros series. It might be on the next Nintendo system that is in current development. More third party characters like Megaman might appear in the next game. Remember, Namco, and Sega are buisness partners so characters such as Megaman, and Packman are possible.
I actually hope that there is no Super Smash Bros 4 cause Brawl was not actually good. The picture was good but not the whole game. It was too easy to beat.
No matter how much we argue we cant change if they are or are not going to make one, so lest spend time discussing what would be cool in super smash bros 4.



More than one pokemon trainer so way more Pokemon can be included,even through it might be confusing



-Kritter( the green croc)


-Battle tower (scroll screen)
-better stage maker
Shadowblade2 said:
If there is, I'd like to see AS CHARACTERS (SOme are already trophies):

Midnight (Kirby)
Isaac (Golden Sun)
Megaman (Obvious)
Knuckles (Sonic)
Tidus (Final Fantasy)
Sora (Kingdom Hearts) (THATS NOT EVEN NINTENDO)

Did I menttion better wifi. Seriously the wifi suxs we need lagless hope street fighter 4 can do this correct.
cool said:

Did I menttion better wifi. Seriously the wifi suxs we need lagless hope street fighter 4 can do this correct.

Where did Street fighter four come from??!!??

How bout Mii's as fighters and you could make witch moves it could do by mixing and matching other fighters moves!
Brawl...Bad? You must be crazy man (darkjedi0521). Best game for Wii out...Maybe best nintendo game ever!
But onto the case on if they are going to make another one, the answer is of course! With it receiving 5/5 and 10/10s nintendo has to make many more. But thre REAL QUESTION IS: Will it be on the wii or on the next nintendo system. That i don't know, or care, but here are my character ideas for YOU:

Roy: Glad he was out of Brawl... OK in melee...But 3 Fire Emblem characters is too much

PKMNtrainer: New insighful charater but garbage overall (same with all pokemon on all games except lucario and jiggly)

Olimar: Come on!

Too many Mario game characters. But we have no idea what nintendo is bound to do next but lets hope many more to come!
maybe they should make a pokemon trainer who actually fights. Well, kinda. His special moves can use pokemon and his final smash could summon 6 pokeballs