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  1. C

    Zomg, it's an Obama action figure!

    That's a fine waste of money.
  2. C

    Can You Raed tihs?

    Are you saying that all my effort into my grammar is ultimately meaningless? Well, damn.
  3. C

    Super Bowl 43(Tampa Bay)Come Discuss!

    As an Arizona native, I'm thrilled that the Cards' are in the NFC championship game for the first time. I've watched them for years, so this is very exiting for me. It looks like Arizona has a good chance of making the Super Bowl, but these Eagles look pretty dang tough after watching them...
  4. C

    What was the CRAZIEST moment of your day?

    My basketball hoop came crashing down while I was shooting hoops today. The steel itself just cut in two. I'm glad it broke before I became capable of dunking. I must admit, it will make a fine decoration for my room.