What was the CRAZIEST moment of your day?

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I listened to 'One Step Closer' from Linkin Park and someone asked me if it's a Tokio Hotel song o_O!
I knocked him away ;P
My science teacher will write a cuss word (for poo) on the board if you say, "crud." The wierdest thing today though, was I was fantasising about a band. The album art? "the Gingerbread man of Death." Picture soon.
Welll.... it didn't happen today, but a couple of days ago, one of my friends (who was a girl- she's not my girlfriend!) prank called me from her cell phone. I started to hang up, and she said, "Wait! Don't go!" And I said, "Why??" And she said, "Cause you sound like a cool hot guy on my cell." 0.0;
red blastoise said:
today, my crush askes me out for next friday (christmas thing at school) and of course, I said yes, so I was happy, then 5 minutes after that, a girl I know pretty well asks me, and I said no, because I already had someone else!, then after that (few minutes) my best femalefrend from school asks me out!, it was really wierd to hear that they thought of it as a joke!

after all, the joke was that the 2nd 2 girls where joking, because they already know I would've said no.

I wish my crush would ask me out... I've gotten close many MANY times. All those times were quite crazy. It makes me sad...T_T
My best friend asked me out today and I didn't know what to say, I got kind of freaked out and I barfed on him. ~_~
The All Powerful Squirtle said:
red blastoise said:
today, my crush askes me out for next friday (christmas thing at school) and of course, I said yes, so I was happy, then 5 minutes after that, a girl I know pretty well asks me, and I said no, because I already had someone else!, then after that (few minutes) my best femalefrend from school asks me out!, it was really wierd to hear that they thought of it as a joke!

after all, the joke was that the 2nd 2 girls where joking, because they already know I would've said no.

I wish my crush would ask me out... I've gotten close many MANY times. All those times were quite crazy. It makes me sad...T_T

A few girls try to ask me out almost at everyday. I denied them all for fun, well, most likely because I practice for Worlds. Even now I do. I got to stop having long hair or stop wearing Gothic clothes to attract them.

I don't know, I don't even have time for them. Not interested.

Originally posted by Silver Maestro
My best friend asked me out today and I didn't know what to say, I got kind of freaked out and I barfed on him. ~_~

Woah! Just.... Woah! What did he actually do after? But still, that's gross.
^^^ Are you being serious? You barfed on your best friend (maybe boy/girlfriend)? EEEEWW! :p

My crazy moment was either when my Biology teacher ate bad kimche (veggie dish w/ lettuce and cabbage)(You don't want to know how bad the room smelled...) Or when my Band instructor told my class how her boyfriend proposed to her (tied the ring to my band instructor's cat's collar?!)
I did barf on him, but I told him that I felt sick and I ran home. I think I may have hurt his feelings though. (and his clothes):(
My basketball hoop came crashing down while I was shooting hoops today. The steel itself just cut in two. I'm glad it broke before I became capable of dunking.

I must admit, it will make a fine decoration for my room.
You will never guess this. In science class, we were doing experements on physical and chemical changes. My teacher took a piece of paper from a student and ripped it in half. He said, "That's a physical change,". He crumpled one half up. He said, "That's a physical change,". Then, he took a match and lit the other half. He said, "That's a chemical change,". He wove the paper around. The whole sheet ignited. He screamed, threw it on the floor, and stomped on it. He then said, "That's why you don't play with fire,"
katamari roller said:
(I had lots of sugar today...)
Sugar doesn't make people hyper... It's a myth. Kid's THINK sugar makes them hyper so they PRETEND to be hyper.

Anyway today I went to get the mail but when I did i wasn't wearing anything but a shirt and boxers O_O.
Before school today, Me and my friend played 15 very fast matches.

12 out of 15 matches I T1 donked him, and the other matches I either T2 or T3 donked him. With Mario/Lumenion/Claydol.

=) That made my day. And I did table shuffle, it's just that the Uxie gets me what I want. X-O
Today, me I walked to a friends house, then we walked back, and it started hailing, yes, hailing, and it wasn't even cold, and it was hard hail!!!! Then we went outside and jumped on my trampoline, and it was like really wet, and he kept falling, lol
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