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  1. The All Powerful Squirtle

    Movie Pet Peeves

    I think my worst movie experience was when I went to see Beyond the Lighted Stage and they didn't know how to use the projector or something, because they went through the menu 8 times. AT LEAST. I can't hear Limelight without shuddering. Oh, yeah, whenever I went to see Prince of Persia, these...
  2. The All Powerful Squirtle

    Do you play any Instruments?

    I play clarinet and bass, a little. NOT Bass clarinet, as some people think.
  3. The All Powerful Squirtle

    Fights in school.

    ^ lol. @ Azul: You're a football player, right? You're popular, even if you don't know it. That's probably why you don't get picked on.
  4. The All Powerful Squirtle

    Fights in school.

    Y'know whats worse than fighting, at my school, you get in trouble for not fighting. Seriously. I smacked someone once, and got in trouble and there was a fight, like, 2 tables down.
  5. The All Powerful Squirtle

    Finished Rate my Username (YPPY)

    You... you.... Death Eater! 5/10
  6. The All Powerful Squirtle

    Fights in school.

    yeah, when its used that way it's a good idea. But what they were talking about was watching the fights themselves. @ Medaforcer: I also think that.
  7. The All Powerful Squirtle

    Good band(s)?

    Um... Green Day Rush Incubus The Cast of Wicked The Postal service Death Cab for Cutie Bon Jovi White Zombie Disturbed Jason Mraz Batphone John Mayer The John Scofield Band The All American Rejects My School's band Creed ... that's all I can think of right now.
  8. The All Powerful Squirtle

    Fights in school.

    Ok, this thread should be called "the idiocy of the human race" but I'm pretty sure that would be just a little too mean. But anyway, today at my school there were 2 fights in the same hall,at the same time. Wow. One was on one end of the hall, by my 1st hour, the other was by my friend Annie's...
  9. The All Powerful Squirtle

    Halloween is coming!!!

    RE: Halloween is coming! Me and my friend Annie were going to go to the Halloween dance at my school, dressed as a wizard and Witch, respectively. That plan failed because it turned out that we were both lying to get Gwyn off our backs. *waves at Aggiegwyn* :D
  10. The All Powerful Squirtle

    weirdist/worst walking home experince

    I walk to and from school 2 years ago. This means I have lotsa weird stories. One time I was walking to school, and this random car drives up beside me, so I ran the rest of the way, was late anyway, and later one of my friends came up to me and said "how come you ran away from me and my mom?"...
  11. The All Powerful Squirtle


    RE: Help... ZOMG is this Henry or Ian? Either way, How come you didn't tell me? I hope Whichever one it is that they get better soon!
  12. The All Powerful Squirtle

    Happy Birthday WPM!

    OMG happy b-day!
  13. The All Powerful Squirtle


    One solution to your problem about craving those things: buy the generic brand I.E.:Wal-Mart Cheez-its. I buy them, they taste exactly the same and they cost less.
  14. The All Powerful Squirtle

    My pets are cooler than yours...

    the only pets I have are a dog and a cat, and a frog and fish who died. :(
  15. The All Powerful Squirtle

    Halloween. Like it or hate it?

    No idea who you guys are talking about, but I'm dressing up as a ninja, because ninjas are awesome. ;)
  16. The All Powerful Squirtle

    My art: Display only! I just want to post some art for display..

    You're getting better, and you're able to pull random inspiration out of thin air, but you need to draw people in more varied poses, that kicking/dancing with Jigglypuff was one of the most motion-filled pictures you've drawn.
  17. The All Powerful Squirtle

    MylesPrower's Sheet Music: Reloaded

    um... if you're not too busy... Song: March of the witch hunters (wicked song) For: clarinet Difficulty: intermediate, please.
  18. The All Powerful Squirtle

    Bread Studios-Making your signatures a better place

    Username: TAPS Banner, Avatar, iPokemon: iPoke Border?: Blue What exactly you want:iSquirtle Text?:iSquirt Any backround color?: blue Anything Else:not really What date it needs to be done by: whenever you have it ready.
  19. The All Powerful Squirtle

    PPM's fake card shop- Closing soon. No more requests.

    RE: PPM's fake card shop Pokemon: Squirtle HP:200 hp type: water Legend Attack 1: 4w Hydro cannon 80 + 20 for every water energy attached. Attack 2:3w Hydro pump 60 + 10 for every water energy attached. Weakness: Lightning X2 retreat: 3 energy.