
Pokequaza said:
That's just a cheap quote :/ But yeah it definately makes you die younger.

Blue Thunder said:
Weight gain should also be added to the list...the average quitting smoker gains 10 lbs. upon quitting.

Seriously, smoking is bad for you on sooooo many levels it's ridiculous. You get lung problems. You get heart problems. You smell bad. Your house and everything in it smells bad. You have disgusting teeth. You pay loads of $$$ for it. You are becomes horribly addicted to it. You kill innocent people.
Uhm that last one is a bit... exaggerated ^^' I could go on with that until next week, but I think you all get the point.


That said, I will agree with you on saying that it is mainly the older generation that smokes now. The likely cause of this is because the younger people have grown up with knowing the negatives of smoking.
Well from where I come I can't see a difference... younger people do smoke here even more than older I think. It's because they think other kids do it too, so it must be cool. Most of them quit a few years after it though. Older people...not so much.

I will agree the last one is slightly an exaggeration, but it's not too far off. Your second-hand smoking is increasing the risk of your friends and family of lung caner, which in turn means higher chance of death. Thus, smoking IS killing others.

Well, I'm from USA, so I can't quite say what's going on over in Europe, but outside of the kids that want to be cool, you will notice that more older adults (45+) smoke than younger ones (20-45). I'm not really counting in the high school kids in this, as they smoke just to be "cool", and a number of them do give it up after they experience some of the earlier negatives of smoking.
Blue Thunder said:
I will agree the last one is slightly an exaggeration, but it's not too far off. Your second-hand smoking is increasing the risk of your friends and family of lung caner, which in turn means higher chance of death. Thus, smoking IS killing others.

Well, I'm from USA, so I can't quite say what's going on over in Europe, but outside of the kids that want to be cool, you will notice that more older adults (45+) smoke than younger ones (20-45). I'm not really counting in the high school kids in this, as they smoke just to be "cool", and a number of them do give it up after they experience some of the earlier negatives of smoking.
Not cool!
that means I am PROBABLY going to have better chances of getting lung cancer!!!
You may not like it, but if you are regularly exposed to second-hand smoke, you have an increased chance of getting lung cancer and all that jazz.
There is nothing wrong with smoking, but you need to show a bit of common courtesy. Don't light up close to other people, unless of course they don't mind you doing so. Does it really hurt you to walk a few metres away from the bus stop to light up? This is the only real issue I have, the inconsiderate smokers.

rappermi said:
ok, I know a lot of people that smoke, and each of them smokes different things, ciggarettes, tobacco, marijuana, crack cocaine, what is your guys's opinion of people that smoke the latter of what I have listed?

also, if I said too much, on account of most of the people on this site being young kids please let me know, so that I can delete this post, thanks

As far as I am concerned, you are responsible for what you put into your body. There are reasons there are laws around certain chemical compound groups. People should be made aware of the effects of things like ice, cocaine, etc, and the decision to then use the 'drug' is up to them.

It's silly that a Government decides what you can and can't put into your own body. But hey, if the Government made money off of the drugs, (for example, a tax.) then you can bet your bottom dollar they would be fighting to keep those 'drugs' legal.
The problem is that smokers almost NEVER have any common courtesy. When they need their smoke, the take it. They don't care who may be around them. :/
DarthPika said:
The problem is that smokers almost NEVER have any common courtesy. When they need their smoke, the take it. They don't care who may be around them. :/

All the smokers that i know are very poltie about when they do light up, they ask if it's cool and if not then they go chill with some other fools, it doesn't bother me, but i guess some people just really detest people who do smoke
DarthPika said:
Smoking should be banned. Fine, kill your self if you want, I don't want to have to breath it in. :/

For anyone who says that it should be the smokers choice, think of it this way. I should be able to enjoy a nice day on the college campus. All the people smoking RUIN it for me, and I can almost never be out side. Every time I DO go out side, I have to breath in their smoke, harming my lungs.

I find it very wrong when the actions of someone hurt the rites and health of others.

second hand smoke is NO wear nere as bad for you as people think.
no matter what air you breathe there is bad things in it chem,icals to bacteria and viruses. just because you dont like breathing in smoke doesnt mean its the worst thing in the world..=////
I'm perfectly tolerant with my grandfather and uncle smoking, but when it's complete strangers, it sickens me. It's so unbelievable that teens think smoking is cool.

Then something called cancer comes along...
I will never smoke anything of any kind. I think it is awful to smoke and very harmful to your body, and I wish there was a ban to it, it would be a lot better for everyone.
trevorispro said:
second hand smoke is NO wear nere as bad for you as people think.
no matter what air you breathe there is bad things in it chem,icals to bacteria and viruses. just because you don't like breathing in smoke doesnt mean its the worst thing in the world..=////

You're taking the wrong approach.
You agree that secondhand smoke IS bad for health, correct? Thus someone's smoke encroaches on my rights. I may allow them to smoke and shorten my life, but if I don't, I have every right to proceed in my life unimpeded. Smoking should be banned in public places everywhere
(but not banned outright, because I have every right to shorten my life if I wish to, and it's not nearly addictive enough to doom you if you're forced by somebody to smoke one).

Normal air with secondhand smoke may be better than the heavy industrial pollution in some areas, but I wouldn't want to breathe either of the two. Pollution should be eliminated, IMHO.
apophys said:
You're taking the wrong approach.
You agree that secondhand smoke IS bad for health, correct? Thus someone's smoke encroaches on my rights. I may allow them to smoke and shorten my life, but if I don't, I have every right to proceed in my life unimpeded. Smoking should be banned in public places everywhere
(but not banned outright, because I have every right to shorten my life if I wish to, and it's not nearly addictive enough to doom you if you're forced by somebody to smoke one).

Normal air with secondhand smoke may be better than the heavy industrial pollution in some areas, but I wouldn't want to breathe either of the two. Pollution should be eliminated, IMHO.
If secoond-hand smoking reall hurts you, then Im screwed...
But, Ive been living with my mom for, OMG my whole life! What a suprise!
Shes been smoking since callege, including when whe was pregnant with me, although, I am perfectly healthy...
Although she did go through some anger management issues
^ You personally may not be screwed. Different people respond to the same thing differently, so some may be unaffected, while others may develop asthma, or cancer late in life. Secondhand smoke lowers the AVERAGE life expectancy a little bit (IDK how much). But you never know how it'll affect you until it does.

Also remember that the human body has a wonderful self-healing ability (certain foods help with some things, like pineapple thinning the blood). So, if the damaging agent is removed, you should have the opportunity for a full, healthy life, as long as the extent of damage is manageable (it probably is, if you seem healthy).

My point with banning smoking in public is that if people HAVE to go through a polluted area regularly, they will always be exposed, and their overall damage may be too much for the body to handle.

I would suggest you ask your mom not to smoke around you and in places that you go through often, in order to prevent further exposure (e.g. not smoking in the bathroom while you watch TV; the smoke may linger there, unless you have a good air vent). It's a relatively easy thing to just step out to the backyard to smoke (it might also discourage her to smoke in general). Also ask her not to leave cigarette butts/ash lying around, even in the backyard.
i smoke. but not much. still have a pack that i bought 3 mos ago. xD

ive noticed a lot of smokers are actually really really polite. @.@
Sweet Dawn Berlitz said:
I'm perfectly tolerant with my grandfather and uncle smoking, but when it's complete strangers, it sickens me. It's so unbelievable that teens think smoking is cool.

Then something called cancer comes along...

Don't forget about emphysema.
aggiegwyn said:
I crave Oreo's so much now...
but I know that those give money to smoking...
So I cant eat them...

One solution to your problem about craving those things: buy the generic brand I.E.:Wal-Mart Cheez-its. I buy them, they taste exactly the same and they cost less.
I don't think people under age should smoke and do drugs and alcohol, but i won't bother them about it unless they're my friedn and luckily I'm in eight grade so peopel haven't started that stuff too much yet, but next year EVERYBODY will unfortunately. Oh well, I'm not stupid enough to get near that stuff. And luckily my mom quit smoking and drinking (can't remember when, but either before I waaas born or when I was young) and my step dad almost never smokes, only rarely like on vacations he'll just go out on the balcony and smoke a cigarette.
i just smoke a cigar every now and then. When I'm out in public i try to steer clear of the smokers area though.
ssman0017 said:
I just smoke a cigar every now and then. When I'm out in public I try to steer clear of the smokers area though.

Yeh I just smoke occasionally with my friends. I don't mind them since I never get hooked on anything. I however never smoke in public. Only at peoples houses or with my mates at theme parks etc.

Just everyone else don't smoke as you may get hooked and eventually die :(
Because most of the time the people are addicted :/ They will deny it, but still they are, a few of my friends smoke (about 3), they all say they want to quit, however they can't... yet they keep denying they're addicted...