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  1. B

    Tier List For Cities

    Ok, I am now aware of the fact that Pokemon does have tournament results and I look forward to exploring them soon. But if you can see what decks are winning, why is there still debate over what decks are actually good? I understand that Boundaries Uncrossed will change a lot and that exactly...
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    Tier List For Cities

    I am a Magic player. Now, the thing about Magic is that we have tournament results. We see the lists that are winning and there are thousands of people playing on Magic Online who tweak and refine winning decks and have their current winning lists continually posted for the public. We even have...
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    Play-testing Gauntlet (Masters)

    Thanks everyone for your input so far! So the list of now looks like: Tier 1 Zek/Eels and Ray/Eels Keldeo/Blastoise Terrakion/Mewtwo/Landorus Darkrai/Hydreigon Tier not-1 Hammertime Empoleon Garbodor Dusknoir What about decks with Garchomp or Landorus, where would they fall in? Any further...
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    Play-testing Gauntlet (Masters)

    Hey all! My friends and I are trying to make a gauntlet of decks to playtest against for the upcoming city championships. I was hoping you all could help with deck suggestions for us to add, perhaps even deck lists or any tales of success you have had with a certain deck. From what I have...
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    DPPt/HGSS Look what I just bred, chained, or re-setted!

    I have 2 questions: 1) What do you mean "chained" and how do you do it? 2) How are you people lucky enough to get a Pokemon with all 31 IVs? Is there a trick I'm missing or some sort of tip? Thanks!
  6. B

    Will sp pokemon take over?

    Hello everyone, glad to see such a large discussion. I would just like to voice my opinion on the Toxitank deck. Now I have never played any other SP deck but I do know Toxitank is very good. People believe it is hard to get all the pieces, but not really. In the 15 times I tested it I got...
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    Ruling Cyrus's Conspiracy

    Thanks guys, that clears a lot up. Now I'm wondering though, can you use a roseanne's research to search out nothing, and if you can will you still have to shuffle your deck? Thanks for your help!
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    Ruling Cyrus's Conspiracy

    Hey everybody! I have a quick question about the above mentioned card. Can you use its search out a supporter effect to pull out another Cyrus's Conspiracy? I think you can but I've been wrong before. Oh and if you have a spare second i was wondering about this, can you play switch...
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    Does anyone know if the DPt Entry Pack cards will come out in America?

    I would like to know if the cards from DPt Entry Pack (especially Torterra) will be released in English and if so when? Thanks!
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    Ruling Machamp Lv.X

    If my opponent has a Machamp Lv.X on their bench and I deal damage to it with my Kingdra's attack, is that damage done to Machamp also increased by 60?
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    Ruling Rare Candy First Turn

    If I am going second in a game and I start with a Horsea, since I can play trainer cards but can't evolve can I still Rare Candy my Horsea to a Kingdra? Thanks!