DPPt/HGSS Look what I just bred, chained, or re-setted!

I have 2 questions:

1) What do you mean "chained" and how do you do it?

2) How are you people lucky enough to get a Pokemon with all 31 IVs? Is there a trick I'm missing or some sort of tip?

LoneTyranitar said:
@Wichu: Why is it impossible to get a 31 IV in every stat Mild Mewtwo?
P.S. Besides the fact im gonna argue the Mild nature and 31 IV thing, Seriously congrats on Larvitar. Would you trade it to me? XD

The game's random number generator works in a certain way; I believe it always generates the IVs directly after the nature (technically, the PID). Since it's impossible to program a true random number generator, there are only certain random numbers which can give completely flawless IVs. In fact, there are exactly 6 of these combinations. Since the IVs are generated directly after the PID, each of those 6 has a corresponding nature. For legendaries, none of those are Mild.
And sorry, it's not for trade tight now :(

Anyway, after breeding that Larvitar, I bred the rest of my team. The first two members I actually bred before:

Quiet Porygon: 31/4/31/31/31/0 (Trace)

Quiet Magnemite: 30/31/31/30/31/3 (Magnet Pull, HP Grass 70)
And these 3 I bred after breeding the Larvitar:

Brave Cubone: 31/31/31/21/31/0 (Rock Head)

Jolly Mankey: 31/31/31/21/31/31 (Vital Spirit; turns into Anger Point if evolved in D/P/Pt)

Timid Gastly: 31/10/30/31/31/31 (HP Ice 70)

I've also tried breeding a couple of shinies. These aren't as good IV-wise as the non-shiny ones above :(

Shiny Quiet Clamperl: 23/14/30/23/31/26 (HP Electric 70 :D)

Shiny Naive Charmander: 21/27/27/31/31/31 (Dragon Dance)

Shiny Calm Porygon: 31/19/31/31/25/31 (Download, unfortunately...)

Shiny Relaxed Bronzor: 24/12/31/28/31/24 (Levitate)

Congrats to AMT, TofU and scampy, too. AMT, I wish I had the time/patience(/cheat cartridge?) for that good IVs in D/P/Pt... I will try it someday, though ;) And TofU, why the x in defense? Surely Milotic needs a lot of that?
I bred like 100 totodiles, I was breeding for a Adamant Totodile with DD.
And I got pretty lucky on the IVs, it was like 10/30/10/10/10/29, (just incase you don't already know, DD {Dragon Dance} ups the Att and Speed stage by 1) Sad thing is, it was the only adamant Dile out of like 100...
Why didn't you use an Everstone? If you'd got an Adamant Ditto, given it an Everstone, then bred it with one of the males with DD, you'd have had a 50% chance to get an Adamant one.
Wichu, to answer your question, I'm going to work on RestTalk Milotic, so it's Marvel Scale plays a bigger role in that. If worse comes to worse, I won't use it. ;p

Anyways, new breed.

Modest Rotom.


scampy edit: h8 u

Naughty Swinub. xD


I restarted my emerald and re-set for a clam kyogre, 31 def, spa and ssp.def stats, 30 hp :( THen like 2 for attack or something :s
This isn't a chain, but I randomly found a shiny Bidoof and caught it whilst EV training a Vaporeon a good 3 months ago. 1/4000 chance :p

I have a 31/31/31/31/31/31 Modest Rotom. ^_^
Naïve #482 Azelf: 8 - 9 / 30 / 22 - 23 / 8 - 9 / 10 - 13 / 0 - 1

0 for Speed, that's SSOOOOO good! Isn't 0 the best? loljk
all these sound really kool

the last egg of mine that hatched was a ROTOM egg

currently in possesion of a LICKITUNG and ??? (i think it is a PILUP or EEVEE) eggs.

last time i checked i had caught a total of 209 POKEMON -- how ironic is this the 209th was caught on ROUTE 209!!!

last POKEMON i chained was a FEAROW but i got bored since i was on the look out for MANKEY (i got a PRIMAPE instead lol) due to getting bored i stopped at seven.

the first POKEMON i chained was BEAUTIFLY

quick question--

if you have a shiny POKEMON can you breed it to get another shiny POKEMON?
No matter what you breed, you always get the same 1 in 8142 chance of getting a shiny. However, I've heard of a glitch that makes shiny Pokemon more likely in PT.

Here's my latest breeds:

Impish #355 Duskull: 18 / 30 / 17 / 14 / 27 / 4
Bold #355 Duskull: 8 / 30 / 18 / 1 / 13 / 26
Adamant #215 Sneasel: 13 / 13 / 8 / 25 / 17 / 21 (yuck)
Beldum, Adamant LvL100 - HP: 221 (31/0) | Atk: 147 (19/0) | Def: 174 (9/0) | Sp.Atk: 86 (21/0) | Sp.Def: 141 (16/0) | Spd: 96 (31/0) | Hidden Power: 36, STEEL | Format: stat (IV/EP)

Should I keep? I need a better attack Ditto.. >__<
No. You should aim for at LEAST Tri-Flawless.
Go for something like: 31 l 31 l 20+ l x l 20+ l 31
noobish question...
but what do you guys mean when you say grass HP or water HP
just curious