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  1. bullet244

    updated: bullet244's trade thread Trading a Salamence X

    RE: updated: bullet244's trade thread Trading a donphan prime bump #1
  2. bullet244

    updated: bullet244's trade thread Trading a Salamence X

    RE: updated: bullet244's trade thread Trading a donphan prime i don't have any claydols, would you do my 3 candy and 1 unown g for your donphan prime? LMK will you trade a poke blower and a poke radar
  3. bullet244

    updated: bullet244's trade thread Trading a Salamence X

    RE: updated: bullet244's trade thread Trading a donphan prime read the rules[hr] I'm interested in your unown g's and i need a claydol (if you will trade the claydol can you throw in a baltoy)[hr] no
  4. bullet244

    Team Transform- Shutting down.

    RE: Team Transform- NOTICE- ALL MEMBERS PLEASE READ 1ST PAGE ANNOUNCEMENT!! how would a feraligator prime and blastoise deck do
  5. bullet244

    updated: bullet244's trade thread Trading a Salamence X

    RE: updated: bullet244's trade thread Trading a donphan prime no
  6. bullet244

    updated: bullet244's trade thread Trading a Salamence X

    RE: updated: bullet244's trade thread Trading a donphan prime i don't need hoho legend
  7. bullet244

    updated: bullet244's trade thread Trading a Salamence X

    RE: updated: bullet244's trade thread Trading a donphan prime i don't want feraligator anymore
  8. bullet244

    updated: bullet244's trade thread Trading a Salamence X

    RE: updated: bullet244's trade thread Trading a donphan prime sorry, i don't have any, is there anything else? googleeanes
  9. bullet244

    updated: bullet244's trade thread Trading a Salamence X

    RE: updated: bullet244's trade thread Trading a donphan prime sorry nothing
  10. bullet244

    updated: bullet244's trade thread Trading a Salamence X

    RE: updated: bullet244's trade thread Trading a donphan prime ? i don't have any ninetales, im actually trying to get ninetales sorry do you have any professor elm's training method
  11. bullet244

    updated: bullet244's trade thread Trading a Salamence X

    RE: updated: bullet244's trade thread Trading a donphan prime no[hr] instead of feraligator could you trade ninetails
  12. bullet244

    updated: bullet244's trade thread Trading a Salamence X

    RE: updated: bullet244's trade thread Trading a donphan prime 1 rare candy isn't enough[hr] i want the feraligator how many rare candies would you add to the trade
  13. bullet244

    updated: bullet244's trade thread Trading a Salamence X

    RE: updated: bullet244's trade thread Trading a donphan prime do you have any rare candies
  14. bullet244

    updated: bullet244's trade thread Trading a Salamence X

    RE: updated: bullet244's trade thread Trading a donphan prime sorry nothin
  15. bullet244

    updated: bullet244's trade thread Trading a Salamence X

    RE: updated: bullet244's trade thread Trading a donphan prime sorry nothin
  16. bullet244

    updated: bullet244's trade thread Trading a Salamence X

    RE: updated: bullet244's trade thread Trading a donphan prime bump 1
  17. bullet244

    W: Gengar SF! H: Luxray, Flygon, Scizor Prime, Collector, DCE

    RE: MASSIVE UPDATE! H: 2 Jumpluff, Primes, Luxray X, Flygon X, Great Ball Mat! Come O would you trade three ampharos for a donphan prime
  18. bullet244


    RE: H: Some HGSS & Complete AR Set! W: Flying Pikachu & Alph Lithograph! cml 4 your feraligator i have a spiritimb (AR) 4 trade
  19. bullet244

    Zephy's Trades! [H] Raikou EX, Mew EX, & Golden Catcher [W] Giratina EX, and DEX

    RE: Zephilim's Trade! [H]Arceus Figuire, Binders, and tons of Cards!!!![W] Porygon-Z CML 4 your Raichu X